Bafokeng Rasimone Platinum Mine v CCMA & Others (JR1734/03) [2006] ZALC 38 (10 February 2006)
Bakenrug Meat (Pty) Ltd t/a Joostenberg Meat v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (CA8/2020) [2022] ZALAC 4 (18 January 2022)
Baloyi v M & P Manufacturing (2001) 22 ILJ 391 (LAC)
Baloyi v MEC for Health & Social Development, Limpopo (2016) 37 ILJ 549 (CC); 2016 (4) BCLR 443 (CC); [2016] 4 BLLR 319 (CC)
Baloyi v Public Protector & others (2021) 42 ILJ 961 (CC)
Banda v General Public Service Sectoral Bargaining Council and Others (JR3273/2009) [2014] ZALCJHB 46 (26 February 2014)
Bargaining Council for the Civil Engineering Industry v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JA 119/2021) [2022] ZALAC 108 (15 September 2022)
Barloworld Coachworks Wynberg v MIBC & others (LC Case No JR327/07; judgment 5 May 2009)
Barloworld Logistics v Ledwaba N.O. and Others (JA119/14) [2016] ZALAC 17 (11 May 2016)
Barrier v Paramount Advanced Technologies (Pty) Ltd (JA35/2020) [2021] ZALAC 6; (2021) 42 ILJ 1177 (LAC); [2021] 7 BLLR 643 (LAC) (18 February 2021)
Bata SA (Pty) Limited and Another v SACTWU obo Members and Others (DA4/2022) [2024] ZALAC 15; (2024) 45 ILJ 1541 (LAC); [2024] 8 BLLR 866 (LAC) (23 April 2024)
Baxter v Minstier of Justice and Correctional Services and Others (D1171/2014) [2018] ZALCD 11 (1 August 2018)
Baxter v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Others (DA1/2019) [2020] ZALAC 27; [2020] 10 BLLR 968 (LAC); (2020) 41 ILJ 2553 (LAC)
Baxter v National Commissioner: Correctional Services & another (2006) 27 ILJ 1833 (LC)
Beck / Parmalat SA (Pty) Ltd [2021] 2 BALR 131 (CCMA)
Beedle v Slo-Jo Innovations Hub (Pty) Ltd (JA21/23) [2023] ZALAC 24 (17 August 2023)
Belwana and Another v Eastern Cape MEC for Education and Another (306/16, 349/16) [2017] ZAECBHC 3 (18 May 2017)
BEMAWU obo Manley Mohapi v Clear Channel Independent (Pty) Ltd (2010) 31 ILJ 2863 (LC)
Bennett and Mondipak (2004) 25 ILJ 583 (CCMA)
Bensch v Phalaborwa Transitional Local Council [1997] 9 BLLR 1163 (LC)
Bestel v Astral Operations & others (LAC Case JA 37/08 Date of Judgment: 16 September 2010)
Bester (Scott) In re: Small Enterprise Finance Agency SOC Ltd v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others [2020] 3 BLLR 244 (LAC); (2020) 41 ILJ 877 (LAC)
Betafence South Africa (Pty) Ltd v CCMA and Others (C911/15) [2017] ZALCCT 28 (20 June 2017)
Betha & others v BTR Sarmcol (A division of BTR Dunlop Ltd) [1998] 8 BLLR 793 (A)
Beyer and Others v Alleyroads Construction (Pty) Ltd (JS 1542 / 2019) [2023] ZALCJHB 338 (29 November 2023)
Bhana and Columbus Stainless Steel (Pty) Ltd (2005) 26 ILJ 1793 (BCA)
BIAWU & another v Mutual & Federal Insurance Co Ltd (2002) 23 ILJ 1037 (LC)
Bidserv Industrial Products (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JA73/15) [2017] ZALAC 4 (10 January 2017)
Bidvest Food Services (Pty) Ltd v NUMSA and Others (C 946/2014) [2014] ZALCCT 58 (31 October 2014)
Bidvest Protea Coin (Pty) Ltd v Myeni and Others (JR1164/21) [2022] ZALCJHB 56 (15 March 2022)
Bidvest Protea Coin (PTY) Ltd v SATAWU and Others (JA105/2021) [2022] ZALAC 122 (29 November 2022)
Bidvest Protea Coin (Pty) Ltd v South African Transport and Allied Workers Union and Others (JR74/24) [2025] ZALCJHB 17 (16 January 2025)
BIFAWU & another v Mutual & Federal Insurance Co Ltd (2006) 27 ILJ 600 (LAC)
Biggar v City of Johannesburg, Emergency Management Services (LC CASE No: JS 232/09 Date of judgment: 10 February 2011)
Biggs v Rand Water (2003) 24 ILJ 1957 (LC)
Black Allied Workers Union & Others v Edward Hotel [1989] 10 ILJ 357 (IC)
Black Mountain v CCMA & others [2005] 1 BLLR 0001 (LC)
Blitz Printers v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR1782/2012) [2014] ZALCJHB 56 (10 February 2014)
Bloem Water Board v Nthako NO and Others (JA83/2016) [2017] ZALAC 42 (28 June 2017)
BMD Knitting Mills (Pty) Ltd v SACTWU (2001) 22 ILJ 2264 (LAC)ILJ
BMW (SA) (Pty) Ltd v Van der Walt (2000) 21 ILJ 113 (LAC)
BMW (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd v National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa and Another (JA 86/18) [2020] ZALAC 22 (18 May 2020)
Boale v National Prosecuting & Others 2003 10 BLLR 988 (LC)
Boardman Brothers (Natal) (Pty) Ltd v CWIU (1998) 19 ILJ 517 (SCA)
Bombardier Transportation (Pty) Ltd v Mthiya NO & others (2010) 31 ILJ 2065 (LC)
Bonginkosi Sishi and Tongaat Hulett Group (CCMA KN12455 May 1998)
Booi v Amathole District Municipality and Others (CCT 119/20) [2021] ZACC 36 (19 October 2021)
Bootes v Eagle Ink Systems KZ Natal (Pty) Ltd (2007) 16 LC 8.29.7; [2007] JOL 20651 (LC)
Booysen v Minister of Safety and Security and others (LAC 09/08, judgment date 1 October 2010)
Booysen v SA Police Services & another (2008) 10 BLLR 928 (LC)
Booysen v Safety and Security Sectoral Bargaining Council and Others (PA12/18) [2021] ZALAC 7 (30 March 2021)
Bopape v Mintek SOC Ltd (J660/16) [2018] ZALCJHB 244 (10 July 2018)
Botha v A Import Export International CC (1999) 20 ILJ 2580 (LC)
Botha v Du Toit Vrey & Partners CC (2005) 26 ILJ 2362 (LC)
Botha v Italitile Centre (1992) 13 ILJ 661 (IC)
Botha and British American Tobacco SA (Pty) Ltd (2008) 29 ILJ 1301 (CCMA)
Boxer Superstores Mthatha and another v Mbenya (SCA Judgment:31 May 2007)
Bracks NO and CCMA v Rand Water and another (LAC Case no JA2/08)
Branford v Metrorail Services (Durban) & others (2003) 24 ILJ 2269 (LAC)
Brauns and Others v Wilkes N.O and Others (JA 47/22) [2024] ZALAC 1 (18 January 2024)
Brereton v Bateman Industrial Corporation Ltd & others (2000) 21 ILJ 442 (LC)
Brightstone Trading 3 Closed Corporation t/a Gordon Road Spar v Economic Freedom Fighters and Others (J 605/21) [2021] ZALCJHB 122 (18 June 2021)
Brilliant and Others v Gauteng Gambling Board (JS276/15; JS721/14) [2015] ZALCJHB 379 (12 October 2015)
Broadcasting, Electronic, Media & Allied Workers Union and others v South African Broadcasting Corporation and others [2016] 6 BLLR 595 (LC)
Broadcasting, Electronic, Media & Allied Workers Union obo Msimang / South African Broadcasting Corporation [2017] 11 BALR 1170 (CCMA)
Bronner v Alpha Pharm (Pty) Ltd & another (2020) 41 ILJ 1952 (LC)
Browns the Diamond Store (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR1091/22) [2023] ZALCJHB 189 (19 June 2023)
Builders Warehouse (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation And Arbitration and Others (PA 1/14) [2015] ZALAC 13 (5 May 2015)
Buscor (PTY) Ltd v Ntimbana and Others (JA104/2021) [2022] ZALAC 121 (29 November 2022)
Buthelezi v Amalgamated Beverage Industries (1999) 20 ILJ 2316 (LC)
Burton and Others v MEC for the Department of Health Eastern Cape Province and Others (PA11/16) [2022] ZALAC 18 (5 July 2022)
Buthelezi v Liberty Group Ltd (JS 707/10) [2011] ZALCJHB 84 (22 September 2011)
Buthelezi v Municipal Demarcation Board (2004) 25 ILJ 2317 (LAC)
Buys v Oasis Group Holdings (C422/2020) [2022] ZALCCT 5 (24 January 2022)
Byrne v Masters Squash Promotions CC and Another 2010 (1) SA 124 (GSJ)
Calgan Lounge (Pty) Ltd v National Union of Furniture and Allied Workers Union of South Africa (NUFAWSA) and Others (J2648/18) [2018] ZALCJHB 334 (9 October 2018)
Callanan v Tee-Kee Borehole Casings (Pty) Ltd & another (1992) 13 ILJ 1544 (IC)
Campbell Scientific Africa (Pty) Ltd v Simmers and Others (CA14/2014) [2015] ZALAC 51; (2016) 37 ILJ 116 (LAC); [2016] 1 BLLR 1 (LAC) (23 October 2015)
CAPAB v Schuster (1994) 15 ILJ 109 (LAC)
Cape Gate (Pty) Ltd v NUMSA & Others [2007] 5 BLLR 46 (LC)
Cape Town City Council v SAMWU (2000) 21 ILJ 2409 (LC)
Capitec Bank Ltd v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (JR1746/19) [2022] ZALCJHB 166 (22 June 2022)
Carephone (Pty) Ltd v Marcus NO & others [1998] 11 BLLR 1093 (LAC)
Cashbuild (Pty) Ltd v Poto N.O and Others (JA111/2019) [2021] ZALAC 4 (2 March 2021)
Cash Paymaster Services (Pty) Ltd v Browne (2006) 27 ILJ 281 (LAC)
CCAWUSA & another v Wooltru Ltd t/a Woolworths (Randburg) (1989) 10 ILJ 311 (IC)
CCAWUSA and Pick 'n Pay (Norwood) (1989) 10 ILJ 966 (ARB)
CCI South Africa (Pty) Ltd v African National Congress Youth League and Others (DA31/22) [2024] ZALAC 7 (6 March 2024)
CCMA v Commission Staff Association and Another (JA110/2018) [2019] ZALAC 69 (16 October 2019)
CCMA v Law Society, Northern Provinces (005/13) [2013] ZASCA 118 (20 September 2013)
CCMA v MBS Transport CC and Others, CCMA v Bheka Management Services (Pty) Ltd and Others (J1807/15, J1706/15, JA94/2015) [2016] ZALAC 34 (28 June 2016)
Cecelia Bessick v Baroque Medical Pty (Ltd) WECT13083-21 (9 May 2022)
CEEPAWU v Hydro Colour Inks (Pty) Ltd and Evergreen Coatings (Pty) Ltd (LC Case Number: J1346/2010 11 February 2011)
CEIWU on behalf of Khumalo and SHM Engineering CC (2005) 26 ILJ 1803 (BCA)
Cellucity (Pty) Ltd v CWU obo Peters (C 39/2013) [2013] ZALCCT 43; [2014] 2 BLLR 172 (LC) (14 November 2013)
Cementation Mining v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (2010) 31 ILJ 1167 (LC)
Cenge & others v MEC, Department of Health, Eastern Cape & another (2012) 33 ILJ 1443 (LC)
Centre for Autism Research & Education CC v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation & Arbitration & others (2020) 41 ILJ 2623 (LC)
CEPPWAWU & another v Glass & Aluminium 2000 CC (2002) 23 ILJ 695 (LAC)
CEPPWAWU & others v Metrofile (Pty) Ltd (2004) 25 ILJ 231 (LAC)
CEPPWAWU obo Prince and Shatterprufe CCMA Case No EC 3186-02
CEPPWAWU on behalf of two members and Leader Packaging (2005) 26 ILJ 1129 (BCA)
Ceramic Industries Ltd t/a Betta Sanitaryware v NCBAWU & others [1997] 1 BLLR 1 (LAC)
Chabeli v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR2241/08) [2009] ZALC 126 (22 December 2009)
Chauke & others v Lee Service Centre CC t/a Leeson Motors (1998) 19 ILJ 1441 (LAC)
Chesteron Industries (Pty) Ltd v CCMA (Case no: P286/06, 2008 (LC))
Chetty v Scotts Select A Shoe (1998) 19 ILJ 1465 (LC)
Chillibush Communications (Pty) Ltd v Johnson NO & Others (2010) 31 ILJ 1358 (LC)
Chinese Association of SA & Others v The Minister of Labour & Others HC(TPD) case no. 59251/2007 (date of judgment 18 June 2008)
Chirwa v Transnet Limited and Others (Case CCT 78/06; 28 November 2007)
Chowan v Associated Motor Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others (22142/16) [2018] ZAGPJHC 40 (23 March 2018)
Churchill v Premier of Mpumalanga and Another (889/2019) [2021] ZASCA 16 (4 March 2021)
Cibane and Another v Premier of the Province of Kwazulu-Natal and Another (D 518/2021) [2023] ZALCD 19 (17 November 2023)
Circuit Breakers Industries Ltd v NUMSA obo Hadebe and Others (JR 1958/08) [2013] ZALCJHB 286 (1 November 2013)
City of Cape Town v Freddie and Others (CA13 /14) [2016] ZALAC 8 (15 March 2016)
City of Cape Town v Independent Municipal and Allied Workers Union and Others (C884/2014) [2015] ZALCCT 58 (17 September 2015)
City of Johannesburg v Jacobs N.O and Others (JR124/18) [2021] ZALCJHB 12 (8 February 2021)
City of Cape Town v SALGBC and Others (C353/16) [2017] ZALCCT 35 (2 August 2017)
City of Cape Town v SAMWU obo Mngomeni and Others (C1148/2010) [2012] ZALCCT 40 (7 September 2012)
City of Cape Town v South African Municipal Workers Unions obo Damons (CA01/2019) [2020] ZALAC 9 (18 May 2020)
City of Johannesburg v SAMWU & others (2009)5 BLLR 431(LC)
City of Johannesburg v Swanepoel N.O. and Others (JR2316/12) [2016] ZALCJHB 80 (26 February 2016)
City of Matlosana v SALGBC & Others (2009) 30 ILJ 1293 (LC)
City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality v Engineering Council of SA & another (2010) 31 ILJ 322 (SCA)
City Power (Pty) Ltd v Grinpal Energy Management Services (Pty) Ltd and Others (JA55/2012) [2014] ZALAC 22; [2014] 10 BLLR 945 (LAC); (2014) 35 ILJ 2757 (LAC) (29 May 2014)
Civil and Power Generation Projects (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR2473/16) [2019] ZALCJHB 58 (22 March 2019)
C/K Alliance (Pty) Ltd t/a Greenland v Mosala NO & others (JR3134/06 Date of judgment: 15 August 2008)
Clementz v Millbo Paper CC and Others (27096/2019) [2021] ZAGPJHC 43; [2021] 2 All SA 774 (GJ); [2021] 7 BLLR 728 (GJ) (19 March 2021)
Cliff v Electronic Media Network (Pty) Ltd (1368/2016) [2016] ZAGPJHC 2 (29 January 2016)
Coca-Cola Beverages Africa (Pty) Ltd v Competition Commission and Another (CCT 192/22) [2024] ZACC 3 (17 April 2024)
Coca Cola Sabco (Pty) Limited v Van Wyk (JA11/2013) [2015] ZALAC 15 (5 May 2015)
Coetzee v Zeitz Mocaa Foundation Trust and Another (C517/2018) [2018] ZALCCT 20; (2018) 39 ILJ 2529 (LC) (14 June 2018)
Coetzer & others v Minister of Safety and Security & another (2003) 24 ILJ 163 (LC)
Coin Security Group (Pty) Ltd v Adams & Others [2000] BLLR 371 (LAC)
Columbus Joint Venture t/a Columbus Stainless Steel v NUMSA (1997) 10 BLLR 1292 (LC)
Colby v Statistics South Africa (2003) 24 ILJ 1748 (BCA)
Colven Associates Border CC v MEIBC & others (2009) 30 ILJ 2406 (LC)
Commercial Stevedoring Agricultural & Allied Workers Union obo Van Wyk v Commision for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (C503/2020) [2023] ZALCCT 33 (21 June 2023)
Commercial Stevedoring Agricultural and Allied Workers' Union and Others v Oak Valley Estates (Pty) Ltd and Another (CCT 301/20) [2022] ZACC 7 (1 March 2022)
Communication Workers Union (CWU) and others v Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd (MTN) and Another (DA10/13) [2015] ZALAC 8 (21 April 2015)
Consani Engineering (Pty) Ltd v CCMA & others (2004) 25 ILJ 1707 (LC)
Conti Print CC v CCMA and Others (JA53/2014) [2015] ZALAC 25 (24 June 2015)
Continental Tyre SA (Pty) Ltd v NUMSA (2008) 17 LAC 1.11.31
Cook4Life CC v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR 350/2012) [2013] ZALCJHB 10 (29 January 2013)
Cornelius & others v Howden Africa Ltd (1998) 19 ILJ 921 (CCMA)
Corns v Adelkloof Drankwinkel CC t/a Cellars Drankwinkel (2002) 23 ILJ 2047 (LC)
Corobrick Natal (Pty) Ltd and CAWU (1991) 12 ILJ 1140 (ARB)
Corobrick (Pty) Ltd and NUBAWU (1992) 13 ILJ 1616 (ARB)
Cosawu on behalf of Khumalo and Royal Ascot Superspar (2006) 27 ILJ 2452 (CCMA)
Costa da Oura Restaurant (Pty) Ltd t/a Umdhloti Bush Tavern v Anthony Reddy
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research v Fijen [1996] 6 BLLR 685 (AD) 691
County Fair Foods (Epping), a division of Astral Operations Ltd v Food and Allied Workers' Union and Others (CA02/2017) [2018] ZALAC 9 (11 May 2018)
Country Fair Foods (Pty) Ltd v CCMA & others (1999) 20 ILJ 1701 (LAC)
County Fair Foods (Pty) Ltd v FAWU & Others (2001) 5 BLLR 494 (LAC)
Cronje v Toyota Manufacturing (2001) 21 ILJ 735 (CCMA); (2002) 23 ILJ 1563 (LC)
Crossroads Distribution (Pty) Ltd t/a Skynet Worldwide Express v National Bargaining Council for the Road Freight and Logistics Industry and Others (JR1335/14) [2020] ZALCJHB 78 (12 May 2020)
Croucamp v Le Carbonne SA (Pty) Ltd (1995) 16 ILJ 1223 (IC)
Crown chickens (Pty) Ltd t/a Rocklands Poultry v Kapp & others (2002) 23 ILJ 863 (LAC)
Crown Chickens (Pty) Ltd t/a Rocklands Poultry v Rieck (2007) 28 ILJ 307 (SCA)
CUSA v Tao Ying Metal Industries and Others (CCT 40/07) [2008] ZACC 15; 2009 (2) SA 204 (CC); 2009 (1) BCLR 1 (CC) (18 September 2008)
CWIU & another v Algorax (Pty) Ltd (1995) 16 ILJ 933 (IC)
CWIU & another v Hoechst (Pty) Ltd (1993) 14 ILJ 471 (IC)
CWIU & others v Algorax (Pty) Ltd [2003] 11 BLLR 1081 (LAC)
CWIU & others v Latex Surgical Products (Pty) Ltd (2002) 23 ILJ 1386 (LC)
CWIU & others v Latex Surgical Products (Pty) Ltd (2006) 27 ILJ 292 (LAC)
CWU & another v Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd [2003] 8 BLLR 741 (LC)
CWU & others v Ebony SA (2000) 21 ILJ 2640 (LC)
E C Lenning Ltd t/a Besaans Du Plessis Foundries v Engelbrecht (1999) 20 ILJ 2516 (LAC)
East Rand Proprietary Mines Ltd v UPUSA & others [1997] 1 BLLR 10 (LAC)
ECCAWUSA & others v Shoprite Checkers t/a OK Krugersdorp (2000) 21 ILJ 1347 (LC)
Economic Freedom Fighters v Brightstone Trading 3 CC t/a Gordon Road Spar and Others - (JA129/2021) [2023] ZALAC 21 (17 August 2023)
Edcon v Pillemer (191/2008) [2009] ZA SCA 135 (5 October 2009)
Edcon v Steenkamp and Others (JS648/13, JS51/14, JS350/14) [2015] ZALAC 2 (3 March 2015)
Edcon Limited v Cantamessa and Others (JR30/17) [2019] ZALCJHB 273 (11 October 2019)
Edcon Limited v Padayachee and Others (J331/16) [2018] ZALCJHB 307 (20 September 2018)
Edcon Ltd v Grobler & others (2007) 16 LC 1.11.48 [2007] JOL 20535 (LC)
Edelweiss Glass and Aluminium (Pty) Ltd v National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa and Others [2011] ZALAC 17; JA69/09 (3 August 2011)
Ehlers v Bohler Uddeholm Africa (Pty) Ltd (2010) 31 ILJ 2383 (LC)
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality v Mabusela N.O. and Others (JA 56/21) [2022] ZALAC 112 (13 October 2022)
Ekhuruleni Metropolitan Municipality v Mashazi & another (JR 2883/06) [2009] LC 90 (4/9/2009)
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality v South African Local Government Bargaining Council and Others (JA17/2021) [2022] ZALAC 2 (27 January 2022)
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality v South African Municipal Workers Union and Others (JA56/2015, JR1676/2012) [2017] ZALAC 80 (18 December 2017)
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality v South African Municipality Workers Union (JA12/13) [2014] ZALAC 61 (23 October 2014)
Elliot International (Pty) Ltd v Veloo and Another (DA12/11) [2014] ZALAC 36; [2014] 10 BLLR 955 (LAC);(2015) 36 ILJ 422 (23 July 2014)
Elston v Mcewan NO & others (2009) 30 ILJ 2079 (LC)
Enever v Barloworld Equipment, a division of Barloworld South Africa (Pty) Ltd(JS 633/20; JS 926/20) [2022] ZALCJHB 161 (1 June 2022)
Enever v Barloworld Equipment South Africa, A Division of Barloworld South Africa (Pty) Ltd (JA86/22) [2024] ZALAC 12 (23 April 2024)
Empangeni Transport (Pty) Ltd v Zulu (1992) 13 ILJ 352 (LAC)
Enforce Security Group v Mwelase and Others (DA24/15) [2017] ZALAC 9 (25 January 2017)
Engen Petroleum Ltd v Chemical, Energy, Paper, Printing, Wood and Allied Workers' Union and others [2023] 1 BLLR 18 (LAC)
Engineering Council of SA v Ramushowana NO and Others (JR186/12) [2014] ZALCJHB 389 (13 October 2014)
Enviroserv Waste Management v Interwaste (Pty) t/a Interwaste Environmental Solutions and Others (P408/15) [2015] ZALCPE 66 (18 December 2015)
EOH Abantu (Pty) Ltd v CCMA and Another (Unreported Case No J68/08)
EOH Abantu (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JA4/18) [2019] ZALAC 57 (15 August 2019)
EOH Mthombo (Pty) Ltd v Bheekie-Odhav (LC C 177/12) Judgment 22 March 2012
Ephraim v Bull Brand Foods (Pty) Ltd (2010) 31 ILJ 951 (LC)
Ephraim Mogale Local Municipality v Hlongwane NO and Another (JR 1888/2019) [2023] ZALCJHB 179; [2023] 9 BLLR 898 (LC); (2023) 44 ILJ 1944 (LC) (7 June 2023)
Equity Aviation Services (Pty) Ltd v CCMA & others [2008] 12 BLLR 1129 (CC)
Equity Aviation v SATAWU (478/09) [2011] 232 ZASCA (30 November 2011)
Erasmus v BB Bread Ltd (1987) 8 ILJ 537 (IC)
Ernstzen v Reliance Group Trading (Pty) Ltd (C 717/13) [2015] ZALCCT 42 (18 May 2015)
Eskom v Marshall & others [2003] 1 BLLR 12 (LC)
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd v National Union of Mineworkers and Others (JA78/18) [2020] ZALAC 2 (6 January 2020)
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd v National Union of Mineworkers on behalf of Coetzee & others (2018) 39 ILJ 828 (LC)
Eskort Ltd v Stuurman Mogotsi and others (JR1644/20) [2021] ZALCJHB 53 (28 March 2021)
Esterhuizen v Million-Air Services CC (in liquidation) & others (2007) 28 ILJ 1251 (LC)
Ethekwini Metropolitan Municipality: Durban Metropolitan Police Services v Khanya and Others (DA9/2012) [2014] ZALAC 48 (18 September 2014)
Ethekwini Municipality v Chetty, IMATU, Kojane N.O., SALGBC (D761/08 & D381/09) [2010] LC 39 (5/2/2010)
Ethekwini Municipality v Hadebe and Others (DA17/14) [2016] ZALAC 14 (10 May 2016)
Ethekweni Municipality v Nadesan and Others (D 1681-17) [2021] ZALCD 1 (3 February 2021)
Ethekwini Municipality v SALGBC, IMATU, Commissioner A.S Dorasamy (D343/07) [2009] LC 43 (27/2/2009)
Ethekwini Municipality v SAMWU (442/11) [2013] ZASCA 135 (27 September 2013)
EWN v Pharmaco Distribution (Pty) Ltd (JS654/10) [2015] ZALCJHB 329 (22 September 2015)
Exactics-Pet (Pty) Ltd v Patelia NO & others (2006) 27 ILJ 1126 (LC)
Exxaro Coal (Pty) Ltd v Chipana and Others (JA161/17) [2019] ZALAC 52 (27 June 2019)
IBSA & others v SA Mutual Life Assurance Society (2000) 21 ILJ 386 (LC)
IDWU obo Linda and Others v Super Group and Others (JA19/2015) [2017] ZALAC 17 (28 February 2017)
Ikwezi Municipality v SALGBC & others (LC Case no: P233/10 Judgment: 8 December 2011)
Ilembe Outsourcing and Recruitment CC and Others v Nosango (DA10/2015) [2018] ZALAC 7 (19 April 2018)
IMATU & another v City of Cape Town (2005) 26 ILJ 1404 (LC)
IMATU & another v Umhlathuze Municipality & others (LC case no D 644/09, date of judgment: 06 May 2011)
IMATU & Nola Gloss v Umgeni Municipality, SALGBC & Commissioner M B Masipa N.O. (D 905/08) [2009] LC 138 (15/12/2009)
IMATU & others v Rustenburg Transitional Council [1999] 12 BLLR 1299 (LC)
IMATU v SALGBC, Ethekwini Municipality, SAMWU (D476/09) [2009] LC 133(26/11/2009)
IMATU & SAMWU v SALGBC, Ethekwini Municipality, A J Rycroft N.O (D513/06) [2010] LC 38 (5/2/2010)
Impala Platinum Ltd v Jansen and others (2017)26 LAC 1.11.4 also reported at [2017] 4 BLLR 325 (LAC)
Impala Platinum Ltd v Jonase and Others (J698/15) [2017] ZALCCT 39 (24 August 2017)
Imperial Cargo Solutions v SATAWU and Others (JA63/2016) [2017] ZALAC 47 (1 August 2017)
Imvula Quality Protection (Pty) Ltd and Others v University of South Africa [2018] 12 BLLR 1151 (LAC); (2019) 40 ILJ 104 (LAC)
In2FOOD (Pty) Ltd v FAWU, Madisha, RS and 470 others (LC Case Number: J350/13, 1 March 2013)
Indwe Risk Services (Pty) Ltd v Van Zyl: In re Van Zyl v Indwe Risk Services (Pty) Ltd (2010)31 ILJ 956 (LC)
Independent Municipal & Allied Workers Union v Greater Louis Trichardt Transitional Local Council (2000) 21 ILJ 1119 (LC)
Info DB Computers v Newby & another (1996) 17 ILJ 32 (W)
Intertech Systems (Pty) Ltd v Sowter (1997) 18 ILJ 689 (LAC)
Irvin & Johnson Ltd v CCMA & others (2002) 23 ILJ 2058 (LC)
Irvin & Johnson Ltd v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation & Arbitration & others(2006) 27 ILJ 935 (LAC)
Mabaso & others v Universal Product Network (Pty) Ltd (2003) 24 ILJ 1532 (LC).
Mabitsela v Department of Local Government & Housing and Others [LC JR 1006/11 7 February 2012]
Mabogoane v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR 1114/09) [2012] ZALCJHB 177 (14 January 2012)
Mackay v Absa Group & another [1999] 12 BLLR 1317 (LC)
Macsteel Service Centres SA (Pty) Ltd v National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa and Others (J483/20) [2020] ZALCJHB 129 (3 June 2020)
Maepe and CCMA (2002) 23 ILJ 568(CCMA)
Mafika v SABC Ltd (LC case no: J 700/08)
Magic Company v CCMA & others(2005) 26 ILJ 271 (LC)
Magistrates Commission and Others v Lawrence (388/2020) [2021] ZASCA 165 (2 December 2021)
Mahlakoane v South African Revenue Service (JA118/13) [2018] ZALAC 1 (25 January 2018)
Mahlamu v CCMA and Others (JR 1702/ 09) [2010] ZALC 182; [2011] 4 BLLR 381 (LC); (2011) 32 ILJ 1122 (LC) (30 November 2010)
Mahlangu and Another v Minister of Labour and Others (CCT306/19) [2020] ZACC 24 (19 November 2020)
Mahlangu v Amplats Development Centre (2002) 23 ILJ 910 (LC)
Mahlangu v CIM Deltak, Gallant v CIM Deltak (1986) 7 ILJ 346 (IC)
Mahlangu v Hotels, Inns & Resorts (Pty) Ltd t/a Southern Sun Group Hotels: Holiday Inn (Sandton) [1995] 11 BLLR 57 (IC)
Mahlangu v SAMANCOR Chrome Ltd (Eastern Chrome Mines) (JA117/2018) [2020] ZALAC 14 (18 May 2020)
Mahlanyana v Cadbury (Pty) Ltd (2000) 21 ILJ 2274 (LC)
Mahle BEHR SA (Pty) Ltd v NUMSA and Others ; FOSKOR (Pty) Ltd v NUMSA and Others (D448/19;D439/19) [2019] ZALCD 2; (2019) 40 ILJ 1814 (LC) (20 March 2019)
Majatladi v Metropolitan Health Risk Management and Others (C 798/12) [2013] ZALCCT 15 (5 June 2013)
Majola & others v D & A Timbers (Pty) Ltd (1997) 18 ILJ 342 (LAC)
Makume v Hakinen Transport CC (2011) 32 ILJ 928 (LC)
Malatji v Minister of Home Affairs and Another (JA52/2017) [2018] ZALAC 23 (15 August 2018)
Malepe and Others v Mega Volt Loden Electrical (Pty) Ltd (JA42/23) [2025] ZALAC 6 (4 February 2025)
Malinga & others and Pro-Al Engineering CC (2003) 24 ILJ 2030 (BCA)
Maluleke & others v Johnson Tiles (Pty) Ltd [2008] 11 BLLR 1065 (LC)
Mamasedi v Chief of South African Defence Force and Others (CCT 359/22) [2024] ZACC 17 (21 August 2024)
Mangcu v City of Johannesburg [2017] 10 BLLR 1055(LC)
Mangena & others v FILA SA (Pty) Ltd & others (2010) 31 ILJ 662 (LC)
Manyetsa v New Kleinfontein Gold Mine (Pty) Ltd (JS706/14) [2017] ZALCJHB 404 (7 November 2017)
Marais & others v Shiva Uranium (Pty) Ltd (In Business Rescue) & others (2019) 40 ILJ 177 (LC)
Marapula & others v Consteen (Pty) Ltd 1999 (20) ILJ 1837 (LC)
Marasi v Petroleum Oil and Gas Corporation of South Africa (C219/2020) [2023] ZALCCT 34 (27 June 2023)
Marble Hall Spar v SA Chemical Allied Workers Union and Others 1997 10 BLLR
Marneweck v Seesa Limited (LC Case No: JS 814/07, Judgment: 17 March 2009)
Maruleng Local Municipality v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (JR1926-21) [2024] ZALCJHB 81 (20 February 2024)
Mashava v Cuzen & Woods Attorneys (2000) 21 ILJ 402 (LC)
Mashego v Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature and Others (JR2499/10) [2014] ZALCJHB 285; (2015) 36 ILJ 458 (22 July 2014)
Mashegoane & another v University of the North [1998] 1 BLLR 73 (LC)
Mashigo v Safety and Security Sectoral Bargaining Council and Others (JR 269/2020) [2022] ZALCJHB 141 (1 June 2022)
Mashigo v SAPS & others [2018] 10 BLLR 943 (LAC)
Mashilo and Another v Commissioner of South African Revenue Services (JS 108/18) [2022] ZALCJHB 326; [2022] 12 BLLR 1119 (LC); (2022) 43 ILJ 2502 (LC) (22 August 2022)
Masondo v Crossway (1998) 19 ILJ 171 (CCMA)
Mass cash (PTY) Ltd T/A Jumbo Cash and Carry v Mtsotsoyi and Others (CA05/21) [2022] ZALAC 117 (31 October 2022)
Massmart Holdings Ltd and others v South African Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union Case no: JS 757/2021 Judgment: 23 May 2022
Maswanganyi v Minister of Defence and Military Veterans and Others (CCT170/19) [2020] ZACC 4 (20 March 2020)
Mathabela v Potgietersrus Platinum Mine Ltd (1997) 18 ILJ 788 (CCMA)
Mathebula v General Public Service Sectoral Bargaining Council and Others (JA16/18) [2024] ZALAC 4 (7 February 2024)
Mathews v Glaxosmithkline SA (Pty) Ltd (2006) 27 ILJ 1976 (LC)
Mathews v Hutchinson & others (1998) 19 ILJ 1512 (LC)
Matheyse v Acting Provincial Commissioner, Correctional Services & others [2001] 6 BLLR 623 (LC)
Matshazi Mhlonipheni and Others v Mezepoli Melrose Arch (Pty) Ltd and Another (2020/10556; 2020/10555; 2020/10955; 2020/10956) [2020] ZAGPJHC 135 (3 June 2020)
Mavata v Afrox Home Health Care (1998) 19 ILJ 931 (CCMA)
Mazibuko & others v Mooi River Textiles Ltd (1989) 10 ILJ 875 (IC)
Mazibuko v Information Regulator South Africa and Others (J527/22) [2022] ZALCJHB 127 (25 May 2022)
Mbekela v Airvantage (Pty) Ltd (JA2/20) [2021] ZALAC 47 (26 November 2021)
McCarthy v PPC Group Services (Pty) Ltd (JS204/19) [2022] ZALCJHB 3 (3 January 2022)
McDonald & another and Shoprite Checkers (2005) 26 ILJ 168 (CCMA)
McDonald's Transport Upington (Pty) Ltd v Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU) and Others (JA10/2016) [2016] ZALAC 32 (28 June 2016)
McDuling and MIF (1998) 7. CCMA 8.3.1
McGregor v Public Health and Social Development Sectoral Bargaining Council and Others (CCT 270/20) [2021] ZACC 14 (17 June 2021)
McPherson v UKZN & another [2007] JOL 20803 (LC)
Mdlalose v Fila SA (Pty) Ltd (2003) 24 ILJ 2328 (LC)
Mdunjeni-Ncula v MEC, Department of Health and Another (PA10/2019) [2021] ZALAC 29; (2021) 42 ILJ 2393 (LAC); [2021] 12 BLLR 1195 (LAC) (20 September 2021)
MEC: Department of Finance, Economic Affairs & Tourism, Northern Province v Mahumani (2004) 25 ILJ 2311 (SCA)
MEC for Department of Public Works (Eastern Cape) v Faltein (2005) 26 ILJ 49 (SCA)
MEC for Economic Development, Environment and Tourism: Limpopo v Leboho (87/2021) [2022] ZASCA 131; (2022) 43 ILJ 2695 (SCA); [2023] 1 BLLR 56 (SCA) (6 October 2022)
MEC for Education, KwaZulu-Natal v Singh (1188/2021) [2023] ZASCA 92 (9 June 2023)
MEC for Education, North West Provincial Government v Gradwell (JA58/10) [2012] ZALAC 8; [2012] 8 BLLR 747 (LAC); (2012) 33 ILJ 2033 (LAC) (25 April 2012)
MEC for the Department of Health v D (924/2013) [2014] ZASCA 167 (8 October 2014)
Media Workers Association of SA & others v Independent Newspapers (Pty) Ltd (2002) 23 ILJ 918 (LC)
Media Workers Association of SA on behalf of Mvenve and Kathorus Community Radio (2010) 31 ILJ 2217 (CCMA)
Mediterranean Woollen Mills (Pty) Ltd v SACTWU [1998] 6 BLLR 549 (A)
Mega Express (Pty) Ltd v Employees Listed in Annexure LC J56/12 14 March 2012
Member of the Executive Council for Health, North West Province v SA Medical Association & another (2022) 43 ILJ 134 (LAC)
Metcash Trading Ltd t/a Metro Cash & Carry v Fobb & another (1998) 19 ILJ 1516 (LC)
Metro Bus (PTY) LTD v SAMWU on behalf of members (2009) 30 ILJ 2952 (LC)
Mgobhozi v Naidoo NO & Others (2006) 27 ILJ 786 (LAC)
Mhlekude v South African Airways (Soc) Ltd and Others (PA5/15) [2016] ZALAC 59; (2017) 38 ILJ 577 (LAC) (24 November 2016)
Mhlongo v South African Revenue Service (JA3/16) [2017] ZALAC 15 (16 February 2017)
Mhlontlo Local Municipality and Others v Ngcangula and Another (1154/2022) [2024] ZASCA 5 (17 January 2024)
Mhlupheki Willem Kubeka& Others v Ni-Da Transport (Pty) Ltd (D 726-18;J 5386-17) [2019] ZALCD 1 (31 January 2019
M I A v State Information Technology Agency (Pty) Ltd (D 312/2012) [2015] ZALCD 20 (26 March 2015)
MIBC v Mac-Rites Panel Beaters & Spray Painters (Pty) Ltd (2001) 22 ILJ 1077 (N)
Midas Ltd and SACCAWU (1992) 13 ILJ 1313 (ARB)
Miladys (A Division of Mr Price Group Ltd) v Naidoo & others (2002) 23 ILJ 1234 (LAC)
Minister of Finance v Van Heerden 2004 (11) BCLR 1125 (CC)
Minister of Home Affairs v Helen Suzman Foundation and others CCT 55/24
Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development and Others v Prince (CCT108/17) [2018] ZACC 30 (18 September 2018)
Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Others v Ramaila and Others (CA 5/2019) [2020] ZALAC 41 (9 November 2020)
Minister of Police v Safety and Security Sectoral Bargaining Council and others [2023] 3 BLLR 214 (LAC)
Minister of Public Service and Administration and Another v Kaylor (CA18/12) [2013] ZALAC 11 (11 June 2013)
Minister of Safety & Security v SSSBC
Minny & another v Smart Plan CC (2010) 31 ILJ 675 (LC)
Mintex Don and NUMSA (1995) 4 ARB
Minya v South African Post Office Ltd and Others (P99/20) [2020] ZALCJHB 209; (2021) 42 ILJ 141 (LC) (22 September 2020)
MISA / SAMWU obo Members v Madikor Drie (Pty) Ltd (2005) 14 LC 5.5.20
MITUSA & others v Transnet Ltd & others [2002] 11 BLLR 1023 (LAC)
Mkalipi v Minister of Labour and Employment NO and Another (JS 257/2022) [2023] ZALCJHB 251 (25 August 2023)
Mkhize & others v Chapelat Industries (Pty) Ltd (1989) 10 ILJ 903 (IC)
Mkoko v NHRBC (C781/14) [2019] ZALCCT 3 (6 February 2019)
Mlambo and Others v National Prosecuting Authority and Others (LC C437/11 21)
Mlondo and Others v Electrowave (Pty) Ltd (D343/2021) [2023] ZALCD 8 (18 May 2023)
Mndebele and Others v Xstrata South Africa (Pty) Ltd t/a Xstrata Alloys (Rustenburg Plant) (JA57/12) [2016] ZALAC 28 (14 June 2016)
Mngadi v Jenkin NO and Others (DA 7/2019) [2020] ZALAC 42 (24 November 2020)
Mnguni v Gumbi (2004) 25 ILJ 715 (LC)
Mnguni v Imperial Truck Systems (Pty) Ltd t/a Imperial Distribution (2002) 23 ILJ 492 (LC)
Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd and Others v CCI SA (Umhlanga) (Pty) Ltd and Others (JA 12/2023) [2023] ZALAC 10 (15 June 2023)
Modise & Others v Steve's Spar Blackheath [2000] 5 BLLR 496 (LAC)
Moema and Zanzu (2011) 32 ILJ 484 (CCMA)
Mofokeng v CCMA & Others 2022 ZALCJHB 169; (2022) 43 ILJ 2531 (LC) (2023) 44 ILJ 82
Mofokeng and KSB Pumps (2003) 24 ILJ 1756 (BCA)
Mogaila v Coca Cola Fortune (Pty) Limited (CCT76/16) [2017] ZACC 6 (2 March 2017)
Mogale and Another v National Health Laboratory Services (JS958/2019) [2024] ZALCJHB 362 (13 September 2024)
Mogomatsi v Goredema N.O. and Others (C560/2019) [2022] ZALCCT 20 (4 May 2022)
Mogomotsi v Goredema NO & others (2022) 43 ILJ 2063 (LC)
Mohlala v Citibank & others [2003] 5 BLLR 455 (LC)
Mokoena and Another v Garden Art (Pty) Ltd and Another (2008) 29 ILJ 1196 (LC)
Molaba & Others v Emfuleni Local Municipality (2009) 30 ILJ 2760 (LC)
Molehe v Public Health and Social Development Sectoral Bargaining Council and Others (167/2014) [2019] ZALCCT 19 (2 August 2019)
Moloko v Commissioner Diale & others (2004) 25 ILJ 1067 (LC)
Mondi Packaging (Pty) Ltd v Director-General: Labour & others (2010) 31 ILJ 2558 (LAC)
Mondi Paper Co Ltd v PPWAWU & another (1994) 15 ILJ 778 (LAC)
Mondi Timber Products v Tope (1997) 18 ILJ 149 (LAC)
Moodley v Department of National Treasury and Others (JA13/2016) [2017] ZALAC 5 (10 January 2017)
Moqhaka Local Municipality v IMATU obo Thebe and Others (JA65/18) [2020] ZALAC 29 (22 May 2020)
Moses Kotane Local Municipality v Mokonyama N.O. and Another (JR2324/15) [2018] ZALCJHB 51; (2018) 39 ILJ 1130 (LC); [2018] 6 BLLR 614 (LC) (8 February 2018)
Mosiane v Tlokwe City Council (2009) 30 ILJ 2766 (LC)
Motaung v Department of Education (JS 196/2010) [2012] ZALCJHB 122; 2013 (3) SA 44 (LC) (15 October 2012)
Motor Industry Staff Association and Another v Great South Autobody CC t/a Great South Panel Beaters (JA68/2021) [2022] ZALAC 103 (27 September 2022)
Motor Industry Staff Association and Another v Great South Autobody CC t/a Great South Panelbeaters; Solidarity obo Strydom and Others v State Information Technology Agency SOC Limited (CCT298.22; CCT346/22) [2024] ZACC 29 (20 December 2024)
Motor Transport Workers Union obo Sehularo and Others v G4 Cash Services (Pty) Ltd (JS 1108/09) [2012] ZALCJHB 112 (12 October 2012)
Mozart Ice Cream Classic Franchises (Pty) Ltd v Davidoff & another (2009) 30 ILJ 1750 (C)
Mphirime v Value Logistics Ltd and BDM Staffing (Pty) Ltd(2015) FSRFBC34922 NBCRFLI [24 June 2015]
Msunduzi Municipality v Hoskins (DA14/15) [2016] ZALAC 61; [2017] 2 BLLR 124 (LAC) ; (2017) 38 ILJ 582 (LAC) (2 September 2016)
Mthombeni v Air Traffic & Navigation Services Ltd (2008) 29 ILJ 188 (LC)
MTN Service Provider (Pty) Ltd v Matji NO & others (2007) 28 ILJ 2279 (LC)
Mthembu and others / NCT Durban Wood Chips [2019] 4 BALR 369 CCMA
Mtshali v Bell Equipment (DA16/12) [2014] ZALAC 37 (22 July 2014)
Mukuru Financial Services (Pty) Ltd and Another v Department of Employment and Labour (17474/20) [2022] ZAWCHC 14 (18 February 2022)
Municipal and Allied Trade Union of South Africa (MATUSA) v Central Karoo District Municipality and Others (CA6/2019) [2020] ZALAC 20 (28 May 2020)
Municipal and Allied Workers Union of South Africa v Central Karoo District Municipality and Others (C 671/18) [2018] ZALCCT 34; [2019] 2 BLLR 159 (LC); (2019) 40 ILJ 386 (LC) (6 November 2018)
Murray and Roberts (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JA40/2018) [2019] ZALAC 58 (20 August 2019)
Mushi v EXXARO Coal (Pty) Ltd Grootegeluk Coal Mine (JA62/2018) [2019] ZALAC 44 (13 June 2019)
Mvelatrans (Pty) t/a Bojanala Bus Services v Jackson and Others (JA72/13) [2014] ZALAC 68 (23 October 2014)
Mvoko v SABC (1066/2016) [2017] ZASCA 139 (29 September 2017)
Mwelase and Others v Enforce Security Group and Others (D358/12) [2015] ZALCD 46 (31 July 2015)
Myathaza v Johannesburg Metropolitan Bus Services (SOC) Limited t/a Metrobus and Others (CCT232/15) [2016] ZACC 49; (2017) 38 ILJ 527 (CC); [2017] 3 BLLR 213 (CC) (15 December 2016)
Myathaza v Johannesburg Metropolitan Bus Service (Soc) Limited t/a Metrobus; Mazibuko v Concor Plant; Cellucity (Pty) Ltd v CWU obo Peters (JA122/14) [2015] ZALAC 45 (6 November 2015)
Myburgh v Barinor Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Another (C 820/13) [2015] ZALCCT 1 (28 January 2015)
Myers v National Commissioner of the SAPS (425/2012) [2012] ZASCA 185 (29 November 2012)
Myers v The National Commissioner of the South African Police Service and others (ZALCCT 37/2013) 28 January 2014
Mzeku & Others v Volkswagen SA (Pty) Ltd & Others [2001] 8 BLLR 857 (LAC)
Mzimni & another v Municipality of Umtata [1998] 7 BLLR 780 (Tk)
Nadasen v CG Smith Sugar Ltd (1992) 13 ILJ 1571 (IC)
Naicker v Q Data Consulting (2002) 23 ILJ 730 (LC)
Naidoo and Another v Standard Bank SA Ltd and Another (J1177/19) [2019] ZALCJHB 168 (24 May 2019)
Naidoo and Bonitas Medical Fund (2005) 26 ILJ 805 (CCMA)
Naidoo v Lever Ponds (1999) 20 ILJ 1610 (CCMA)
Naidoo v Liberty Holdings (JR558/16) [2019] ZALCJHB 56 (19 March 2019)
Naik v Telkom SA (2000) 21 ILJ 1266 (CCMA)
Nampak Divfoods (Pty) Ltd v Dlamini and Others (D727/2021) [2024] ZALCD 13 (6 May 2024)
Nampak Products (Pty) Ltd t/a Megapak v CCMA and Others (C512/2018) [2021] ZALCCT, delivered on 24 June 2021
Nampak Products Ltd t/a Nampak Corrugated Containers (Western Province) and PPWAWU (1992) 13 ILJ 1292 (ARB)
Nape v INTCS Corporate Solutions (Pty) Ltd [2010] 8 BLLR 852 (LC)
Nasionale Parkeraad v Terblanche (1999) 20 ILJ 1520 (LAC)
National Association of South African Workers (NASA-Workers) and Another v Uniliver South Africa (Pty) Ltd (J142/20) [2020] ZALCJHB 42 (14 February 2020)
National Automobile and Allied Workers Union v Borg - Warner SA (Pty) Ltd (1994) 15 ILJ pg 509 (AD)
National Bargaining Council for the Clothing Manufacturing Industry (KZN) v Glamour Fashions Worker Primary and Others (D20/16) [2017] ZALCD 8 (15 February 2017)
National Bargaining Council of the Leather Industry of South Africa and Ballucci Footwear, Woodpecker Workers Co-operative Ltd, Job Procurement Workers Co-operative (BC Arbitration 6 September 2004)
National Commissioner of South African Police Service and Another v Mphalele N.O. and Another (CA15/2017) [2018] ZALAC 42 (11 December 2018)
National Education Health & Allied Workers Union & another v Office of the Premier: Province of the Eastern Cape & another (2011) 32 ILJ 1696 (LC)
National Education Health and Allied Workers Union v Minister for Trade, Industry and Competition and Another (J587/2021) [2021] ZALCJHB 95 (delivered on 4 June 2021)
National Education Health and Allied Workers Union v Minister of Public Service and Administration and Others (CCT 21/21, 28/21, 29/21, 44/21) [2022] ZACC 6 (28 February 2022)
National Education Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) obo members providing essential services v Minister of Health and Others (J423/20) [2020] ZALCJHB 66 (11 April 2020)
National Employers' Association of South Africa v Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council and Others (J2616/14, J2339/14) [2014] ZALCJHB 477 (1 December 2014)
National Entitled Workers Union v CCMA & others (2007) 28 ILJ 1223 (LAC)
National Sugar Refining & Allied Industries Union on behalf of Mngomezulu and Tongaat Hulett Sugar Ltd (Darnall) (2016) 37 ILJ 2441 (BCA)
National Transport Movement & others v Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa Limited (PRASA)[2018] 2 BLLR 141 (LAC)
National Union of Food Beverage Wine Spirits and Allied Workers (NUFBWSAW) and Others v Universal Product Network (Pty) Ltd; (2016) 37 ILJ 476 (LC); [2016] 4 BLLR 408 (LC)
National Union of Food Beverage Wine Spirits and Allied Workers v Coca Cola Beverages South Africa (Pty) Ltd (JA 130/22) [2024] ZALAC 26 (27 May 2024)
National Union of Public Service and Allied Workers (''NUPSAW'') obo Lutendo and Others v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (J 2086/20; JR 2111/20) [2024] ZALCJHB 1 (5 January 2024).
National Union of Metalworkers (NUMSA) obo Members v NEASA & others (J2082-14) [2014] ZALCJHB 340 (8 September 2014).
National Union of Metalworkers of SA & others v Genlux Lighting (Pty) Ltd (LC Case No: JS 209/06 Date of judgment: 21 August 2008)
National Union of Metalworkers of SA & others v SA Five Engineering (Pty) Ltd & others (2007) 28 ILJ 1290 (LC)
National Union of Metalworkers of SA and Nu-Fiber Form Plastics SA (Pty) Ltd (2005) 26 ILJ 204 (BCA)
National Union of Metalworkers of SA on behalf of Dumbisa and Murray & Roberts Autocast (2005) 26 ILJ 1567 (BCA)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa and Others v Lectropower (Pty) Ltd (JS1151/2014) [2018] ZALCJHB 266 (6 July 2018)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa obo Fohlisa and others v Hendor Mining Supplies (a division of MarschalkBeleggings (Pty) Ltd)[2017] 6 BLLR 539 (CC)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa obo Its Members in the employ of the Respondent v Transnet SOC Ltd (JS427/15) [2018] ZALCJHB 352 (31 October 2018)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa obo Members v SAA Technical SOC Ltd (JA109/23) [2024] ZALAC 41 (10 September 2024)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa obo Motloung and Others v Polyoak Packaging (Pty) Ltd, the Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council and Others (DA02/23) [2024] ZALAC 66 (17 December 2024)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and others (2023) 32 LC 1.11.11 also reported at [2023] 2 BLLR 159 (LC)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (CCT 49/20) [2021] ZACC 47; [2022] 3 BLLR 209 (CC); (2022) 43 ILJ 530 (CC) (10 December 2021)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR 2596/2018) [2021] ZALCJHB 29; [2021] 7 BLLR 701 (LC) (4 March 2021)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (PA6/19; PR03/18; PR50/18) [2020] ZALAC 8; (2020) 41 ILJ 1629 (LAC) (18 February 2020)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa v Employers' Association of South Africa and Others (J 2976/2014) [2014] ZALCJHB 492 (23 December 2014)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa v Eskom Holdings Soc Ltd and Others (J735/21) [2021] ZALCJHB 182 (6 July 2021)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa v Fry's Metals (Pty) Ltd (SCA)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa v Lee Electronics (Pty) Ltd and Others (PA 05/11) [2012] ZALAC 33 (8 November 2012)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa v Lufil Packaging (Isithebe) and Others (CCT 172/19) [2020] ZACC 7 (26 March 2020)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa v Trenstar (Pty) Ltd (CCT 105/22) [2023] ZACC 11 (18 April 2023)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa and Others v Aveng Trident Steel (a division of Aveng Africa (Pty) Ltd) and Another (CCT178/19) [2020] ZACC 23 (27 October 2020)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa and Others v Dunlop Mixing and Technical Services (Pty) Ltd and Others (6/2020) [2020] ZASCA 161 (7 December 2020)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa and Others v Transnet Soc Limited (JA96/2014) [2015] ZALAC 46 (6 November 2015)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) v General Motors South Africa (Pty) Ltd (P341/10) [2017] ZALCPE 26 (14 December 2017)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) and Others v AFGRI Animal Feeds (PTY) Ltd (JA29/2021) [2022] ZALAC 147 (17 June 2022)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) and Others v CBI Electric African Cables (JA 51/11) [2013] ZALAC 25 (11 October 2013)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) and Others v Feltex Automotive Trim (Pty) Ltd (JS413/09) [2013] ZALCJHB 107 (5 June 2013)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) and Others v Kaefer Energy Projects (Pty) Limited (JS567/2018) [2021] ZALCJHB 280; (2022) 43 ILJ 181 (LC) (7 September 2021)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) and Others v Paint and Ladders (Pty) Ltd and Another (JA74/16) [2017] ZALAC 41 (28 June 2017)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) and Others v Transnet National Ports Authority (DA8/17) [2018] ZALAC 41 (29 November 2018)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) obo Members v Transnet Soc Limited and Others (PA16/2016) [2018] ZALAC 3 (25 January 2018)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) obo Members and Another v South African Airways (SOC) Ltd and Others (J149/20) [2020] ZALCJHB 43 (14 February 2020)
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) obo Motloba v Johnson Controls Automotive SA (Pty) Ltd and Others (PA6/15) [2017] ZALAC 14 (3 February 2017)
National Union of Mineworkers & Another v CCMA (2007) 28 ILJ 402 (LC)
National Union of Mineworkers & Another v Rustenberg Base Metals Refiners (Pty) Ltd (1993) 14 ILJ 1094 (IC)
National Union of Mineworkers & others v Martin & East (Pty) Ltd (2013) 34 ILJ 978 (LC)
National Union of Mineworkers and Another v Commission for Conciliation Mediation And Arbitration and Others (JA90/2013) [2014] ZALAC 51 (1 October 2014)
National Union of Mineworkers and Another v Eskom Holding Soc Ltd (J 1934/11) [2011] ZALCJHB 82; (2012) 33 ILJ 669 (LC) (19 September 2011)
National Union of Mineworkers and Another v Hawyes NO and Another (JR 2327/09) [2012] ZALCJHB 2 (20 January 2012)
National Union of Mineworkers and Others v Eskom Holdings SOC (JS257/15) [2018] ZALCJHB 170 (8 May 2018)
National Union of Mineworkers and Others v SAMANCOR Limited and Others CCT 154/20 Date of judgment: 22 June 2021
National Union of Mineworkers obo Coetzee and Others v Eskom Holdings SOC Ltc and Others (CA4/2018) [2019] ZALAC 62; [2020] 2 BLLR 125 (LAC); (2020) 41 ILJ 391 (LAC) (4 October 2019)
National Union of Mineworkers obo Employees and Others v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (CA 11/2007) [2011] ZALAC 7 (1 April 2011)
National Union of Mineworkers obo Mabilikoe v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR 2169/19) [2021] ZALCJHB 464 (15 February 2021)
National Union of Mineworkers obo Members / PPC Cement SA (Pty) Ltd - (2021) 30 CCMA 4.2.1 also reported at [2021] 2 BALR 190 (CCMA)
National Union of Mineworkers obo Selemela v Northam Platinum Ltd (JA 25/11) [2013] ZALAC 10; (2013) 34 ILJ 3118 (LAC); [2014] 9 BLLR 870 (LAC) (31 May 2013)
National Union of Mineworkers obo Smith v Namakwa Sands, A Division of ExxaroTsa Sands (Pty) Limited and Others (CA12/2013) [2014] ZALAC 57 (23 October 2014)
National Union of Mineworkers on behalf of Majebe v Civil & General Contractors CC (2021) 42 ILJ 1027 (LAC)
National Union of Mineworkers v Cullinan Diamond Mine (A Division of Petra Diamonds (Pty) Ltd) (2021) 42 ILJ 785 (LAC)
National Union of Mineworkers v Impala Platinum Ltd and another (J1022/16) [2017] 6 BLLR 628 (LC)
National Union of Mineworkers v Samancor Ltd (625/10) [2011] ZASCA 74 (25 May 2011)
National Union of Public Service & Allied Workers and Others v National Lotteries Board (CCT 75/13) [2014] ZACC 10 (10 April 2014)
National Union of Public Service and Allied Workers ("NUPSAW") obo Lutendo and Others v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (J 2086/20; JR 2111/20) [2024] ZALCJHB 1 (5 January 2024)
National Union of Public Service and Allied Workers obo Mani and others v National Lotteries Board (576/12) (2013) ZASCA 63
National Union of Public Service and Allied Workers (NUPSAW) V Mfingwana and Others (C251/17) [2020] ZALCCT 4 (20 February 2020)
Nawa & another v Department of Trade & Industry [1998] 7 BLLR 701 (LC)
Ncane v Lyster NO and Others (2017) 38 ILJ 907 (LAC); [2017] 4 BLLR 350 (LAC)
ND Engineering (Pty) Ltd v Naicker [1996] 4 BLLR 432 (LAC)
Ndlovu v CCMA & others [2000] 12 BLLR 1462 (LC)
Ndudula v Metrorail Prasa (Western Cape) (C1012/2015) [2017] ZALCCT 12 (30 March 2017)
Ndzeru v Transnet National Ports Authority and Others (C369/2020) [2023] ZALCCT 11 (16 March 2023)
Ndzimande and Others v Didben N.O and Others (JR 1404/14) [2019] ZALCJHB 73 (2 April 2019)
Ned v Dept of Social Services & Population Development (2001) 22 ILJ 1039 (BCA)
Nedcor Bank Limited v Harris (LC Case NO: JR927/01)
Nedcor Bank Ltd v Frank & others (2002) 23 ILJ 1243 (LAC)
NEHAWU obo Legodi v Laerskool Lindopark Primary (J1549/2023) [2024] ZALCJHB 94 (5 March 2024)
NEHAWU on behalf of Lucas and Department of Health (2004) 25 ILJ 2091 (BCA)
NEHAWU v Minister for The Public Service and Administration and Others (JA19/2023) [2023] ZALAC 7; [2023] 6 BLLR 487 (LAC); (2023) 44 ILJ 1207 (LAC) (13 March 2023).
NEHAWU v University of Cape Town 2003 (3) SA 1 (CC) [also reported at 2003 (2) BCLR 154 (CC); (2003) 11 CC 1.11.3; (2003) 24 ILJ 95 (CC); [2002] ZACC 27 (CC); [2003] JOL 10448 (CC)
Nel v Construction Education and Training Authority and Others (PA3/17) [2018] ZALAC 16 (10 July 2018)
Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality v Independent Municipal & Allied Trade Union (IMATU) obo Johannes Tshabalala and Others (PA8/2017) [2018] ZALAC 60; [2019] 3 BLLR 239 (LAC); (2019) 40 ILJ 1021 (LAC) (3 December 2018)
Nelson Mengo and Others v Daly Sales and Merchandising (Pty) Ltd t/a Crakshaw Designs (P47/11) [2015] ZALCPE 65 (11 December 2015)
Nelspruit Dry Cleaners (Pty) Ltd v SA Commercial Catering & Allied Workers Union & Others [1994] 15 ILJ 283 (LAC)
Netherburn Engineering CC t/a Netherburn Ceramics v Madau & others (2003) 24 ILJ 1712 (LC)
Netherburn Engineering CC t/a Netherburn Ceramics v Moabelo & others (LAC Case No. JA 1/05)
Newcastle Municipality v Nzimande and others [2021] 1 BLLR 94 (LC)
New Clicks SA (Pty) Ltd v CCMA & others
NEWU v CCMA & others [2004] 2 BLLR 165 (LC)
Ngema and Others v Screenex Wire Waring Manufactures (Pty) Ltd and Another (JA 1/2012) [2012] ZALAC 43 (12 December 2012)
Ngwabe and Imvula Quality Protection (Pty) Ltd (2017) 38 ILJ 724 (CCMA)
Ngobeni v CEO: Mpumalanga Parks Board (2007) 16 LC 1.11.15
Ngutshane v Ariviakom (Pty) Ltd t/a Arivia.kom & others (LC J1067/08)
Nhlapo-Mofokeng v Emfuleni Local Municipality and Another (J 943/2022) [2022] ZALCJHB 236; [2023] 1 BLLR 63 (LC) (18 August 2022)
Nhlapho and Others v Sasol Mining Ltd (JS737/09; JS778/09) [2019] ZALCJHB 260 (19 September 2019)
Nicholl v Du Plessis NO and Others (PA6/12) [2014] ZALACJHB 300 (5 August 2014)
Nitrophoska (Pty) Ltd v CCMA & others (LC Case: C109/2010; Date of judgment: 4 March 2011)
Nkabinde v Public Health and Social Development Sectoral Bargaining Council and Others (JR1866/22) [2024] ZALCJHB 394 (13 September 2024)
Nkomati Joint Venture v CCMA & Others (JA 155/2017) [2018] ZALAC 53; (2019) 40 ILJ 819 (LAC) (12 December 2018)
Nogcantsi v Mnquma Local Municipality and others [2017] 4 BLLR 358 (LAC)
Nokeng Tsa Taemane Local Municipality v Louw NO and Others (JA7/16) [2018] ZALAC 37 (17 October 2018)
Nombakuse v Department of Transport and Public Works, Western Cape (LC C890/2010 25 July 2012)
Noonan v Safety and Security Sectoral Bargaining Council and Others (PA 1/11) [2012] ZALAC 9 (1 June 2012)
North West Provincial Legislature and Another v National Education Health and Allied Workers Union obo 158 Members (JA17/22) [2023] ZALAC 12 (21 June 2023)
Northern Cape Provincial Administration v Hambidge NO & others [1999] 7 BLLR 698 (LC)
Northern Metropolitan Local Council v Company Unique Finance (Pty) Ltd & others SCA (Case 36/11 Judgment 21 May 2012)
Northern Training Trust v Maake & others (2006) 27 ILJ 828 (LC)
NS v South African Mutual Life Assurance Society Limited t/a Old Mutual and Others (C658/99) [2001] ZALC 65 (9 May 2001)
Ntai & others v SA Breweries Ltd (2001) 22 ILJ 214 (LC)
Nthabiseng Chautsane and Ison Xperiences (Pty) Ltd GAJB11017-22 (27 September 2022)
Ntimane & Others v Agrinet t/a Vetsak (Pty) L td [1999] 3 BLLR 248 (LC)
Ntlabezo & others v MEC for Education, Eastern Cape & others [2002] 3 BLLR 274 (Tk)
Ntsabo v Real Security CC (unreported)
Ntsangani & others v Golden Lay Farms Ltd (1992) 13 ILJ 1199 (IC)
Ntshangase v MEC: Finance Kwa-Zulu Natal and Another 402/08 [2009] ZASCA 123 (28 September 2009)
Ntshona v Public Health and Social Development and Others (P377/2010) [2015] ZALCPE 4 (27 January 2015)
Ntsibande v Union Carriage & Wagon Co (Pty) Ltd (1993) 14 ILJ 1566 (IC)
NUCCAWU v Transnet Ltd t/a Portnet (2000) 21 ILJ 2288 (LC)
NUDPW obo M. Malunga and I. Ndlovu and Vector Textiles (Case Number: U/5/2322/5/11; Date of arbitration award:15 February 2012)
Nulaw & Others v Bader Bop Ltd & Others [2004] 8 BLLR 799 LC
NUM & another v CCMA & others (2007) 27 ILJ 402 (LC)
NUM & another v Kloof Gold Mining Co Ltd (1986) 17 ILJ 375 (IC)
NUM & another v Tokiso Dispute Settlement (Pty) Ltd & others (2010) 31 ILJ 2962 (LC)
NUM & others v Billard Contractors CC & Another [2006] 27 ILJ 1686 (LC)
NUM & others v CCMA & others (LC Case No JR2423/06; Judgment 13 March 2009)
NUM & others v Deelkraal Gold Mining Go Ltd (1) ( 1994) 15 ILJ 1316
NUM & others v Driefontein Consolidated Ltd (1984) 5 ILJ 101 (IC)
NUM & others v Durban Roodepoort Deep Ltd (1987) 8 ILJ 156 (IC)
NUM & others v Free State Consolidated Gold Mines (Operations) Ltd (1992) 13 ILJ 366 (IC)
NUM v Amcoal Collieries Ltd t/a New Denmark Collieries (1989) 10 ILJ 733 (IC)
NUM v Chrober Slate (Pty) Ltd 2008 29 ILJ 388 (LC)
NUM v Namakwa Sands - a division of Anglo Operations Ltd (2008) 7 BLLR 675 (LC))
NUM and Another v Black Mountain Mining (Pty) Ltd (CA22/2012) [2014] ZALAC 78 (10 December 2014)
NUM and Others v Power Construction (Pty) Ltd (C85/2014) [2016] ZALCCT 24 (27 July 2016)
NUMSA & another v Kia Motors & others (2007) 28 ILJ 2283 (LC)
NUMSA & another v National Flanges (Pty) Ltd (1991) 12 ILJ 1063 (IC)
NUMSA & others v Atlantis Forge (Pty) Ltd (2005) 26 ILJ 1984 (LC)
NUMSA & others v Comark Holdings (Pty) Ltd (1997) 18 ILJ 516 (LC)
NUMSA & others v Dorbyl Ltd & another (2004) 25 ILJ 1300 (LC)
NUMSA & others v Edelweiss Glass & Aluminium (Pty) Ltd [2009] 11 BLLR 1083 (LC)
NUMSA & others v Fry's Metal (Pty) Ltd (2001) 22 ILJ 701 (LC)
NUMSA & Others v Jumbo Products CC (1991) 12 ILJ 1048 (IC)
NUMSA & others v Shakespear Shopfitters (Pty) Ltd (2008) 17 LC 5.2.1
NUMSA v Abancedisi Labour Services (857/12) [2013] ZASCA 143 (30 September 2013)
Numsa v Anglo Gold Ashanti & another [2018] 11 BLLR 1128 (LC)
NUMSA v Assign Services and Others (JA96/15) [2017] ZALAC 44 (10 July 2017)
NUMSA and Another v Aveng Trident Steel (A Division of Aveng Africa Proprietary Limited) and Others (JA25/18) [2019] ZALAC 36 (13 June 2019)
NUMSA and Another v GFD Motors (Pty) Ltd and Others (C 358/07) [2013] ZALCCT 25 (24 July 2013)
NUMSA and others v AIH Logistics (Pty) Ltd and Blacksuits (Pty) Ltd (LC Case No: D 1112/19 27 January 2023)
NUMSA and Others v Hendor Mining Supplies a Division of Marschalk Beleggings (Pty) Ltd (JS 794/03) [2013] ZALCJHB 293 (5 November 2013)
NUMSA and Others v Mahle Behr SA (Pty) Ltd and Another; NUMSA and Others v Foskor (Pty) Ltd and Another (DA08/2019; DA09/2019) [2020] ZALAC 30 (8 June 2020)
Numsa obo Aubrey Dhludhlu and 147 Others v Marley Pipe Systems (SA) (Pty) Ltd (CCT 233/21) [2022] ZACC 30; (2022) 43 ILJ 2269 (CC) (22 August 2022)
NUMSA obo Dhludhlu and Others v Marley Pipe Systems SA (Pty) Ltd (JA33/2020) [2021] ZALAC 13 (23 June 2021)
NUMSA obo Members v Aveng Trident Steel (A Division of Aveng Africa (Pty) Ltd) (JS596/15) [2017] ZALCJHB (13 December 2017)
NUMSA obo Members v Sacks Packaging (Pty) Ltd and Others (D 396-20) [2020] ZALCD 14 (8 September 2020)
NUMSA obo Members v Trenstar (Pty) Ltd (D 595-20) [2020] ZALCD 18 (30 November 2020)
NUMSA obo Nefu and Others v Crisburd (Pty) Ltd 2004 7 BALR 864
NUMSA obo Nganezi & others v Dunlop Mixing and Technical Services (Pty) Ltd & others DA16/2016 [2018] ZALAC 19 (17 July 2018)
Numsa obo Nganezi and Others v Dunlop Mixing and Technical Services (Pty) Limited and Others (CCT202/18) [2019] ZACC 25 (28 June 2019)
NUMSA obo Nhlabathi and 1 Other v PFG Building Glass (PTY) Ltd (JR 1826 /2020) [2022] ZALCJHB 292 (1 December 2022)
NUMSA obo Ramothibe and Others v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR1655/22) [2024] ZALCJHB 300; [2024] 10 BLLR 1069 (LC) (5 August 2024).
NUMSA on behalf of Engelbrecht v Delta Motor Corporation (1998) 19 ILJ 1292 (CCMA)
NUMSA on behalf of Dolley & others and Formex Engineering (2005) 26 ILJ 1557 (BCA)
NUMSA on behalf of Ngele v Delta Motor Corporation & others (2002) 23 ILJ 1876 (LC)
NUMSA on behalf of Prezens and Duferco Steel Processing (Pty) Ltd (2006) 27 ILJ 1282 (BCA)
NUMSA on behalf of Williams and Robertson & Caine (Pty) Ltd (2005) 26 ILJ 2074 (BC)
NUMSA v General Motors of SA (Pty) Ltd Case no P210/09 dated 17 June 2009
NUMSA v Lumex Clipsal (Pty) Ltd (2001) 22 ILJ 714 (LC)
NUMSA v Pro Roof Cape (Pty) Ltd [2005] 11 BLLR 1126 (LC)
NUMSA v Siemens Ltd (1990) 11 ILJ 610 (ARB)
NUMSA v Tek Corporation Ltd & others (1991) 12 ILJ 577 (LAC)
NUTESA v Technikon Northern Transvaal [1997] 4 BLLR 467 (CCMA)
Nyambi and Others v H C Shaik Investment CC and Another (J1471/17) [2017] ZALCJHB 260 (5 July 2017)
Nyathi v Special Investigating Unit [2011] ZALCJHB 66;J1334/11 (22 July 2011)
Nyathikazi v Public Health and Social Development Sectoral Bargaining Council and Others (JA106/2019) [2021] ZALAC 11; [2021] 8 BLLR 778 (LAC); (2021) 42 ILJ 1686 (GJ) (26 May 2021)
Nzimande and Another v Newcastle Municipality (DA1/2022) [2024] ZALAC 34 (10 July 2024)
SA Airways (Pty) Ltd v Jansen van Vuuren& another (2014) 35 ILJ 2774 (LAC)
SAA (Pty) Ltd v Aviation Union of SA & others (SCA Case No: 123/2010 Judgment 11 January 2011)
SA Breweries Ltd v FAWU 1989 10 ILJ 844
SA Broadcasting Corporation Ltd v CCMA & Others (JA36/07) [2009] ZALAC 13; (2010) 31 ILJ 592 (LAC) ; [2010] 3 BLLR 251 (LAC) (18 November 2009)
SA Broadcasting Corporation Ltd v Grogan NO & another (2006) 27 ILJ 1519 (LC)
SA Chemical Workers Union v Longmile/Unitred (1999) 20 ILJ 244 (CCMA)
SA Commercial Catering & Allied Workers Union on behalf of Kobedi and Johnnic Entertainment (2003) 24 ILJ 493 (ARB)
SA Local Government Association v SAMWU (2007) 28 ILJ 2603 (LC)
SA Metal Group (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (C350/13) [2014] ZALCCT 15 (15 April 2014)
SA Municipal Workers Union v Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (LC J1120/11 31 May 2012)
SA Municipal Workers Union on behalf of Malatsi v SA Local Government Bargaining Council & others (JR 1211 / 2018) [2023] ZALCJHB 63; [2023] 6 BLLR 581 (LC) (13 March 2023)
SA Onderwysunie & another v Head of Department, Gauteng Department of Education & others (LC case no J2468/10)
SA Post Office Ltd v Jansen van Vuuren NO & others (2008) 17 LC 1.11.36
SA Quilt Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd v Radebe (1994) 15 ILJ 115 (LAC)
SA Typographical Union on behalf of Van As & others v Kohler Flexible Packaging (Cape) (A Division of Kohler Packaging Ltd) (2002) 23 ILJ 1248 (LAC)
Saaiman & another v De Beers Consolidated Mines (Finsch Mine) (1995) 16 ILJ 1551 (IC)
SABC v CCMA & others (2001) 22 ILJ 487 (LC)
SABC v McKenzie (1999) 20 ILJ 585 (LAC)
SACCAWU & another v Amalgamated Retailers (Pty) Ltd (2002) 23 ILJ 165 (LC)
SACCAWU & another v Checkers Shoprite (Pty) Ltd (1996) 17 ILJ 753 (IC)
SACCAWU & others v Gallo Africa (2005) 26 ILJ 2397 (LC)
SACCAWU & others v Irvin & Johnson Ltd [1999] 8 BLLR 741 (LAC)
SACCAWU & others v King William's Town Fast Food CC t/a Chicken Licken (1996) 17 ILJ 401 (IC)
SACCAWU & others v Mahawane Country Club (2002) 23 ILJ 902 (LAC)
SACCAWU & others v Sun International SA Ltd (A Division of Kersaf Investments Ltd) (2003) 24 ILJ 594 (LC)
SACCAWU obo Mabaso and Others v Masstores (Pty) Ltd t/a Makro (JS 618/19) [2023] ZALCJHB 49 (9 March 2023)
SACCAWU obo Mokebe and Others v Pick'n Pay Retailers (JA36/16) [2017] ZALAC 55 (26 September 2017)
SACCAWU on behalf of Madika & others and Pep Store (2002) 23 ILJ 1304 (CCMA)
SACCAWU v Garden Route Chalets (Pty) Ltd [1997] 3 BLLR 325 (CCMA)
SACCAWU v OK Bazaars (1929) Ltd [1995] 7 BLLR 1 (AD)
SACCAWU v Pep Stores (1998) 19 ILJ 939 (CCMA)
SACCAWU v Sun International (J1951/15) [2015] ZALCJHB 341 (6 October 2015)
SACCAWU and Others v Woolworths (Pty) Ltd (J3159/12, JS1177/12) [2016] ZALCJHB 126 (5 March 2016)
SACOSWU v POPCRU & others (LAC JA87/2015, judgment 31 May 2017)
SACTWU & another v Cadema Industries (Pty) Ltd (2008) 17 LC 8.34.1
SACTWU & another v Martin Johnson (Pty) Ltd (1993) 14 ILJ 1033 (LAC)
SACTWU & another v Ninian & Lester (Pty) Ltd (1995) 16 ILJ 1041 (LAC)
SACTWU obo members and NCMA & another (ARB) Case no U/23/2267/3/11 National Bargaining Council for the Clothing and Manufacturing Industry Date of award: 7 July 2011)
SACTWU & others v Berg River Textiles LC 63/2001, judgment date 4 November 2011
SACTWU & others v Novel Spinners (Pty) Ltd (1999) 11 BLLR 1157 (LC)
SACTWU & others v Rubin Sportswear (2003) 24 ILJ 429 (LC)
SACTWU on behalf of Baatjies & others and Pep Stores (2004) 25 ILJ 632 (CCMA)
SACTWU v H C Lee Co (Pty) Ltd (1997) 18 ILJ 1120 (CCMA)
SACWU & Another v NCP Chlorchem (Pty) Ltd & others (2007) 28 ILJ 1308 (LC)
SACWU & others v Afrox Ltd (1999) 20 ILJ 1718 (LAC)
SACWU v Afrox Ltd (1998) 19 ILJ 62 (LC)
Sadan and Another v Workforce Staffing (Pty) Ltd (JA38/23; JA39/23) [2023] ZALAC 23 (17 August 2023)
Sadulla v Jules Katz & Co Ltd (1997) 18 ILJ 1482 (CCMA)
Safcor Freight (Pty) Ltd t/a Safcor Panalpina v SAFDU (LAC DA17/10, Judgment 17 September 2012)
Saldanha Bay Local Municipality v Mutusa obo R Hendricks and Others (C99/2020) [2022] ZALCCT 17; (2022) 43 ILJ 1872 (LC); [2022] 9 BLLR 834 (LC) (23 March 2022)
SALSTAFF on behalf of Janse van Vuuren and Transnet Ltd t/a Transwerk (2002) 23 ILJ 2153 (BCA)
SALSTAFF/AIWU on behalf of Govender and SA Airways (2001) 22 ILJ 2366 (ARB)
Samancor Chrome Ltd (Western Chrome Mines) v Willemse & Others
Samancor Tubatse Ferrochrome v MEIBC & others (LAC JA 57/08, judgment 12 March 2010)
Samcor Limited (Eastern Chrome Mines) v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration Limpopo and Others (JA140/2018) [2020] ZALAC 17 (18 May 2020)
Samka v Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd and Others (CA15/18) [2020] ZALAC 11 (18 May 2020)
Samson v CCMA & Others (LC) case number D460/08
SAMWU and Others v Ethekwini Municipality and Others (DA5/13) [2016] ZALAC 47; [2016] 12 BLLR 1208 (LAC) (2 September 2016)
SAMWU obo Mahlangu v SALGBC (LC Case: JR 2595/09; Date of judgment: 21 June 2011)
SAMWU obo Shongwe and Others v Moloi N.O and Others (JA81/19) [2021] ZALAC 2 (26 February 2021)
SAMWU on behalf of Petersen v City of Cape Town & others (2009) 30 ILJ 1347 (LC)
SAMWU v City of Cape Town & others (2010) 31 ILJ 724 (LC)
SAMWU v Jada & others (2003) 24 ILJ 1344 (W)
SAMWU v Minister of Cooperative Governance & Traditional Affairs
SAMWU v Mokgatla(20810/2014) [2016] ZASCA 24 (18 March 2015)
SAMWU v Mopani District Municipality (LC J1516/12 15 June 2012)
Sanders v Cell C Provider Company (Pty) Ltd & others LC case no: P 260/10 dated 10 May 2010
Sanlam Life Insurance Limited v Mogomatsi and Others (CA12/2022) [2023] ZALAC 15 (17 August 2023)
Sappi Novoboard (Pty) Ltd v Bolleurs (1998) 19 ILJ 784 (LAC)
SAPS v Safety and Security Bargaining Council & others (LC Case no: P426/08; judgment date 27/10/2010)
SARS v CCMA & others (LC case JR984/08, judgment 23 Oct 2009)
Sasol Infrachem v Daniel and Others (JA58/12) [2014] ZALAC 54 (21 October 2014)
Satani v Department of Education, Western Cape and Others (CA10/15) [2016] ZALAC 38; (2016) 37 ILJ 2298 (LAC) (13 June 2016)
SATAWU & others v Karras t/a Floraline (1999) 20 ILJ 2437 (LC)
SATAWU & others v Moloto N O and another CCT 128/11 [2012] ZACC 19
SATAWU v Garvas (CCT 112/11 [2012] ZACC 13 dated 13 June 2012)
SATAWU and Another v MEC: Gauteng for Roads & Transport and Others (J1142/15) [2015] ZALCJHB 204 (15 July 2015)
SATAWU and Others v Equity Aviation Services (Pty) Ltd 2006 27 ILJ 2411 (LC)
SATAWU and Spoornet, Orex, Saldanha (2001) 22 ILJ 2120 (ARB)
SATAWU Obo Dube and Others v Fidelity Supercare Cleaning Services Group (Pty) Ltd (JS 879 / 10) [2015] ZALCJHB 129 (17 April 2015)
SATAWU obo Finca v Old Mutual Life Insurance Company (SA) Limited and another (2006) 27 ILJ 1204 (LC)
SATAWU obo Rune v Bosasa Security (Pty) Ltd (C 527/06) [2013] ZALCCT 11 (13 May 2013)
SATAWU on behalf of Radebe v Metrorail Wits (2001) 22 ILJ 2372 (Arb)
SATAWU on behalf of others v Ikhwezi Bus Service (Pty) Ltd (LC)
SATAWU on behalf of Sefara and Metrorail Services Pretoria (2001) 22 ILJ 2372 (ARB)
Satchwell v President of the Republic of South Africa and Another 2002 (6) SA 1 (CC) (2002 (9) BCLR 986)
Sayles v Tartan Steel CC [2000] 2 BLLR 161 (LAC)
Scheme Data Services (Pty) Ltd and Myhill & others unreported LC Case No.JR1456/06)
Schoeman & another v Samsung Electronics SA (Pty) Ltd [1997] 10 BLLR 1364 (LC)
Scholtz v CCMA and Others (C675/2014) [2015] ZALCCT 45 (25 June 2015)
Schwartz v Sasol Polymers and Others (JA46/2014) [2015] ZALAC 125 (5 October 2015)
Schweitzer v Waco Distributors (1998) 19 ILJ 1573 (LC)
Scrader Automotive (Pty) Ltd v MIBC (2008 P488/05 (LC))
Screenex Wire Weaving Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd v Ngema and Others (JA 49/07) [2009] ZALAC 10 (2 September 2009)
Scribante v Avgold Ltd (Hartebeesfontein Division) (2000) 21 ILJ 1864 (LC)
Seardel Group Trading (Pty) Ltd t/a Romatex Home Textiles v Petersen & others (2011) 32 ILJ 439 (LC)
Seaward v Securicor SA (Pty) Ltd (LAC Case no: JA 68/06)
Security Services Employers' Organization & others v SA Transport & Allied Workers Union & others (2007) 28 ILJ 1134 (LC)
Securicor (SA) (Pty) Ltd & another v Lotter & others (2005) 26 ILJ 1029 (E)
Securitas Specialised Services (Pty) Ltd v Kabelane (2021) 42 ILJ 833 (LAC)
Sedibeng District Municipality v South African Local Governing Bargaining Council and Others (JR 1559/09) [2012] ZALCJHB 45 (31 May 2012)
Sedick & another and Krisray (Pty) Ltd (2011) 32 ILJ 752 (CCMA)
Sekgobela v State Information Technology Agency (Pty) Ltd (2008) 29 ILJ 1995 (LC)
Sekhute and Others v Ekhuruleni Housing Company Soc (J1862/17) [2017] ZALCJHB 318 (5 September 2017)
Semenya & others v CCMA & others (2006) 27 ILJ 1627 (LAC)
Senne and Others v Fleet Africa (Pty) Ltd (J2888/14) [2016] ZALCJHB 48 (12 February 2016)
Seokwane v Bidvest Prestige Cleaning Services (Pty) Ltd (JS 1040/20) [2023] ZALCJHB 313; [2024] 2 BLLR 194 (LC); (2024) 45 ILJ 333 (LC) (8 November 2023)
September and Others v CMI Business Enterprise CC (CCT279/16) [2018] ZACC 4 (27 February 2018)
Sethole and Others v Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality (JS576/13) [2017] ZALCJHB 484 (21 September 2017)[2018] 1 BLLR 74(LC)
SGB Cape Octorex (PTY) Ltd v Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council and Others (JA 90/2021) [2022] ZALAC 118; (2023) 44 ILJ 179 (LAC); [2023] 2 BLLR 125 (LAC) (18 October 2022)
Sheridan v The Original Mary-Ann's at the Colony (Pty) Ltd (1999) 20 ILJ 2952 (LC)
Shezi & another v Gees Shoes CC (2001) 22 ILJ 1707 (CCMA)
Shillaw v Icubed Sales (Pty) Ltd (J1329/2023) [2024] ZALCJHB 118 (12 March 2024)
Shoprite Checkers v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR2259/11) [2014] ZALCJHB 36 (13 February 2014)
Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd v CCMA [2007] 5 BLLR 473 (LC)
Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd v CCMA & Others (2008) 9 BLLR 838 (LAC)
Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd v CCMA & Others (2008) 12 BLLR 1211 (LAC)
Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation & Arbitration & Others (315/08) [2009] ZASCA 24 (27 March 2009)
Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd v JL and Others (C886/17; C627/2018) [2021] ZALCCT 95; (2022) 43 ILJ 903 (LC) (10 December 2021)
Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd v Tokiso Dispute Settlement and Others (JA49/14) [2015] ZALAC 23 (24 June 2015)
Sibanye Gold Limited t/a Sibanye Stillwater v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR 1910/20) [2024] ZALCJHB 3 (19 January 2024)
Sibanye Gold Protection Services (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (JR2424/21) [2024] ZALCJHB 190 (7 May 2024)
Sibanye Gold Protection Service v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR2476/19) [2023] ZALCJHB 258 (12 September 2023)
Sibanye Rustenburg Platinum Mine v Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union obo Sono and Others (JA32/2022) [2024] ZALAC 23 (2 May 2024)
Sibiya v South African Police Service (JA15/21) [2022] ZALAC 88 (12 May 2022)
Sidumo v Rustenburg Platinum Mines Ltd and Others (Case CCT 85/06 Decided on 05 October 2007)
Siemens Ltd and NUMSA (1990) 11 ILJ 610 (ARB)
Sihlali v SA Broadcasting Corporation LTD (2010) 31 ILJ 1477 (LC)
Simba (Pty) Ltd v Food and Allied Workers Union 1997 18 ILJ 558 (LC)
Simba (Pty) Ltd v Allied Workers Union 1998 19 ILJ 1593 (LC)
Simba Quix Ltd v Rampersad & another (1993) 14 ILJ 1286 (IC)
Simmadari v Absa Bank Limited (C124/17, C728/16) [2018] ZALCCT 7 (6 March 2018)
Simmers v Campbell Scientific Africa (Pty) Ltd (C 751/2013) ZALCCT 9 May 2014
Sindane v Prestige Cleaning Services [2009] 12 BLLR 1249 (LC
Singh & others v Mondi Paper (2000) 21 ILJ 966 (LC)
Sisonke Partnership t/a International Healthcare Distribution v National Bargaining Council for the Chemical Industry and Others (JA 51/10) [2013] ZALAC 16 (9 July 2013)
Sithole v Nogwaza NO & others [1999] 12 BLLR 1348 (LC)
Slo Jo Innovation (Pty) Ltd v Beedle and Another (J 737/22) [2022] ZALCJHB 212; [2023] 1 BLLR 68 (LC) (10 August 2022)
Smith & another v Office of the Chief Justice & others (2018) 39 ILJ 1357 (LC)
Smith v Control Instruments (1997) 18 ILJ 826 (CCMA)
Smith v Kit kat Group (Pty) Ltd (JS787/14) [2016] ZALCJHB 362; [2016] 12 BLLR 1239 (LC) (23 September 2016)
Smuts / Backup Storage Facilities & Others [2003] 2 BALR 219 (CCMA)
Sol Plaatje Municipality v South African Local Government Bargaining Council and Others (PA12/19) [2021] ZALAC 24 (5 August 2021)
Solidarity & Others v Dept. of Correctional Services & Others (C 368/2012, C968/2012) [2013] ZALCCT 38 (18 October 2013)
Solidarity and Another v Armaments Corporation of South Africa (Sco) Ltd and Others (JA40/17) [2018] ZALAC 39 (27 November 2018)
Solidarity and Others v SABC (J1343/16) [2016] ZALCJHB 273 (26 July 2016)
Solidarity and Others v Department of Correctional Services and Others (CA23/13) [2015] ZALAC 6 (10 April 2015)
Solidarity and Others v Department of Correctional Services and Others (CCT 78/15) [2016] ZACC 18 (15 July 2016)
Solidarity and Others v Eskom Holdings Ltd (2012) 33 ILJ 464 (LC)
Solidarity obo B v South African Police Service and Others (P 03/19) [2022] ZALCPE 26 (22 September 2022)
Solidarity obo Barnard v SA Police Services (LC case no. JS455/07 dated 24/02/2010)
Solidarity obo Barnard v SAPS (165/2013) [2013] ZASCA 177 (28 November 2013).
Solidarity obo Christiaans and Eskom Holdings Ltd (2006) 27 ILJ 1291 (Arb)
Solidarity obo Erasmus v Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (C1001/18) [2024] ZALCCT 18 (24 May 2024)
Solidarity obo Members v Barloworld Equipment Southern Africa and Others (CCT 102/21) [2022] ZACC 15 (6 May 2022)
Solidarity obo Member v Die Humansdorpse Landbou Kooperasie Ltd (P46/23) [2023] ZALCPE 10 (26 May 2023)
Solidarity obo members v Ernest Lowe, a trading division of Hudago Trading (Pty) Ltd (J49/22) ZALCJHB 14 March 2022
Solidarity obo Oosthuizen v South African Police Service and Others (JS1030/17) [2023] ZALCJHB 4; [2023] 3 BLLR 258 (LC) (10 January 2023)
Solidarity obo Wehncke v Surf4Cars (Pty) Ltd (JA63/11) [2014] ZALAC 6 (20 February 2014)
Solidarity obo Strydom & 5 others v State Information Technology Agency Soc Ltd (C 148/18; JS 49/18; JS 67/18 JS 68/18; JS 338/18; JS 195/18) [2022] ZALCJHB 95; (2022) 43 ILJ 1881 (LC); [2022] 9 BLLR 843 (LC) (9 May 2022)
Solidarity v Department of Correctional Services and Others (C368/12, C986/12,) [2014] ZALCCT 4 (6 February 2014)
Solidarity v Minister of Safety and Security and Others (J879/12) [2016] ZALCJHB 15 (26 January 2016)
Solidarity v The Public Health & Welfare Sectoral Bargaining Council (442/13) [2014] ZASCA 70 (28 May 2014)
Somyo v Ross Poultry Breeders (Pty) Ltd [1997] 7 BLLR 862 (LAC)
Sondolo IT (Pty) Ltd v Howes & others (LC case no. JR3217/06 dated 13 January 2009)
Sorrel v Petroplan Sub-Sahara Africa (Pty) Ltd (C599/2021) [2023] ZALCCT 3 (19 January 2023)
South African Airways (SOC) Limited (In Business Rescue) and Others v National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa obo Members and Others (JA32/2020) [2020] ZALAC 34 (9 July 2020)
South African Airways (SOC) Limited (In Business Rescue) and Others v National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa obo Members and Others (JA32/2020) [2020] ZALAC 34; [2020] 8 BLLR 756 (LAC); (2020) 41 ILJ 2113 (LAC)
South African Breweries Limited v CCMA & others ZALAC CA 13/2012 30 May 2014
South African Breweries Ltd v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (C 665/2011) [2012] ZALCCT 17 (24 May 2012)
South African Breweries (Pty) Ltd v Louw (CA16/2016, C285/2014) [2017] ZALAC 63 (24 October 2017)
South African Clothing and Textile Workers Union v Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry - KwaZulu-Natal and Others (DA9/22) [2024] ZALAC 20 (2 May 2024)
South African Clothing Textile Workers Union (SACTWU) and Others v Yarntex (Pty) Ltd t/a Bertrand Group (PA07/10) [2013] ZALAC 6 (28 February 2013)
Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers' Union obo Members v KZN Marketing (Pty) Ltd and another - (2023) 32 LC 1.13.3 also reported at [2023] 1 BLLR 83 (LC)
South African Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union and Others v Makgopela and Others (JA38/2021) [2023] ZALAC 8 (14 March 2023)
South African Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers Union and Others v Woolworths (Pty) Limited (CCT275/17) [2018] ZACC 44 (6 November 2018)
South African Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union v Massmart Holding Limited and Others (JA119/2022) [2024] ZALAC 13 (29 April 2024)
South African Custodial Management (Pty) Ltd and Another v Union For Police, Security and Corrections Organisation (UPSCO) obo Makatu and Others (JS383/18) [2020] ZALCJHB 273 (20 October 2020)
South African Local Government Association v South African Municipal Workers Union [2011] 7 BLLR 649 (LAC)
South African Maritime Safety Association v McKenzie (SCA) (Case No 017/09 Judgment given 15 February 2010)
South African Medical Association v University Limpopo (J 825/11) [2012] ZALCJHB 43 (17 May 2012)
South African Municipal Workers Union and Another v Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (P483/11) [2015] ZALCPE 70 (24 November 2015)
South African Municipal Workers Union and Another v South African Local Government Bargaining Council and Others (JA 84/13) [2014] ZALAC 64; (2015) 36 ILJ 441 (23 October 2014)
South African Municipal Workers Union and Others v City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality (JA 48/10) [2013] ZALAC 4 (21 February 2013)
South African Municipal Workers Union obo Abrahams and Others v City of Cape Town and Others [2011] ZALCCT 27 (17 June 2011)
South African Municipal Workers Union obo Koopman v City of Cape Town and Others (CA5/2023) [2025] ZALAC 7 (22 January 2025)
South African Municipal Workers Union obo Mgcineni v South African Local Government Bargaining Council and Others (JR749/22) [2024] ZALCJHB 370 (27 September 2024); [2024] 11 BLLR 1198 (LC)
South African Navy and another v Tebeila Institute of Leadership, Education, Governance and Training - (2021) 30 SCA 1.11.23 also reported at [2021] 6 BLLR 555 (SCA)
South African Police Service v Solidarity obo Barnard [2014] ZACC 23
South African Police Services v Solidarity obo Barnard (JA24/2010) [2012] ZALAC 31 (2 November 2012)
South African Post Office Ltd v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others [2011] ZALAC 16; JA 56/06 (3 August 2011)
South African Post Office Ltd v CWU obo Permanent Part-Time Employees (CA 15/12) [2013] ZALAC 20 (28 August 2013)
South African Post Office Ltd v Mampuele (JA29/09) [2010] ZALAC 15; (2010) 31 ILJ 2051 (LAC) ; [2010] 10 BLLR 1052 (LAC) (4 June 2010)
South African Revenue Services (SARS) v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) and Others (JR 2243/21) [2023] ZALCJHB 222; [2023] 10 BLLR 1090 (LC); (2023) 44 ILJ 2311 (LC) (21 July 2023)
South African Revenue Service v CCMA and Others (JA06/11) [2015] ZALAC 55 (8 December 2015)
South African Revenue Service v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others [2016] ZACC 38
South African Revenue Service v National Education, Health And Allied Workers Union obo Kulati and Another (JA101/2021) [2023] ZALAC 11 (21 June 2023)
South African Transport & Allied Workers Union v Garvis & others (007/11) [2011] ZASCA 152 (27 September 2011)
South African Transport and Allied Workers Union and Others v Ikapa Coaches (A division of Cullinan Holdings Ltd) and Others (J 683/2020) [2020] ZALCJHB 148 (2 September 2020)
Southern Sun Hotel Interests (Pty) Ltd iro Southern Sun Waterfront Hotel v CCMA & others (LC Case No: C255/09; C362/09; Date of judgment: 21 June 2011)
Southern Sun Hotels Interests (PTY) LTD v South African Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union (JA136/2021) [2022] ZALAC 120 (15 November 2022)
Specialised Belting & Hose (Pty) Ltd v Sello NO & others (LC case No JR3136/05, judgment 6 February 2009)
Spero v Elvey International (Pty) Ltd (1995) 16 ILJ 1210 (IC)
Spies v MI-C3 Holdings SA (Pty) Ltd (2011) 32 ILJ 149 (LC)
SRV Mill Services (Pty) Ltd v CCMA & others (2004) 25 ILJ 135 (LC)
Staff Association for the Motor and Related Industries (SAMRI) v Toyota of South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd [1998] 6 BLLR 616 (LC)
Stallion Security (Pty) Limited v Van Staden (526/2018) [2019] ZASCA 127 (27 September 2019)
Standard Bank of SA Ltd v CCMA & others (1998) 19 ILJ 903 (LC)
Standard Bank of SA Ltd v Leslie & others (2021) 42 ILJ 1080 (LAC)
Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd v Letsoalo (J18/2014) [2016] ZALAC 43 (27 July 2016)
Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd v Nombulelo Chiloane (JA85/18) [2020] ZALAC 43 (10 December 2020)
Standard Bank of South Africa v CCMA & others (2007) 16 LC 8.29.11
Standard Bank of South Africa v Makuleni (JR2261/18) [2021] ZALCJHB 309 (22 September 2021)
State Information Technology Agency (SITA) Pty Ltd v CCMA & others (LAC Case No JA 16/2008)
State Information Technology Agency (SITA) (Pty) Ltd v CCMA & others (2008) 17 LAC 1.11.23
Steenkamp and Others v Edcon Limited [2016] ZACC 1
Steenkamp and Others v Edcon Limited (CCT29/18) [2019] ZACC 17 (30 April 2019)
Stellenbosch Municipality v South African Local Government Bargaining Council (SALGBC) and Others (C 234/2020) [2022] ZALCCT 60; (2023) 44 ILJ 388 (LC) (22 November 2022)
Steve Tshwete Local Municipality v South African Local Government Bargaining Council and Others (JR1905/08) [2010] ZALC 172 (5 November 2010)
Steynberg v Coin Security Group (Pty) Ltd (1998) 19 ILJ 304 (LC)
Stokwe v Member of the Executive Council: Department of Education, Eastern Cape and Others (CCT33/18) [2019] ZACC 3 (7 February 2019))
Strategic Liquor Services v CCMA & others Case (CCT 33/09[2009] ZACC 17)
Strauss & another v Plessey (Pty) Ltd (2002) 23 ILJ 175 (LC)
Strydom v Nederduitse Gereformeerde Gemeente Moreleta Park (2009) 30 ILJ 868 (EqC)
Subrumuny and Amalgamated Beverages Ltd (2000) 21 ILJ 2780 (Arb)
Sun Couriers (Pty) Ltd v CCMA & others (2002) 23 ILJ 189 (LC)
Sun International (Pty) Ltd t/a Table Bay v CCMA (C 636/2012) [2013] ZALCCT 46 (12 January 2013)
Sun International Ltd v SACCAWU (JA45/16) [2017] ZALAC 24 (3 May 2017)
Sun International Management Limited v Sayiti (JA 13/23) [2024] ZALAC 52 (21 October 2024)
Superb Meat Supplies CC v Maritz (2004) 25 ILJ 96 (LAC)
Supreme Poultry (Pty) Ltd v Radiboke and others (C536/2020) [2023] ZALCCT 56 (11 October 2023)
Swanepoel v AECI Ltd (1984) 5 ILJ 41 (IC)
Swanepoel v KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd (J494/19) [2021] ZALCJHB 457 (13 December 2021)
Swart v Greenmachine Horticultural Services (2010) 31 ILJ 180 (LC)
Swiss South Africa (Pty) Ltd v Louw NO & others (2006) 27 ILJ 395 (LC)