Labour Relations Act
- Collective Bargaining, Industrial Action & Picketing
- Dismissal
- Draft Dismissal Code January 2025
- Dismissal for Operational Requirements
- Managing exposure to SARS-COV-2 in the Workplace, 2022
- NEDLAC Accord on Collective Bargaining and Industrial Action
- Protest Action to Promote or Defend Workers' Socio-Economic Interests
- Picketing
- Who is an employee
Basic Conditions of Employment Act
- Arrangement of Working Time
- Code of Good Practice for Expanded Public Works Programmes
- Employing Children in Advertising, Artistic or cultural Activities
- Protection of Employees during pregnancy and after Birth of a Child
Employment Equity Act
- Employment of Persons with Disabilities
- Equal pay / remuneration for work of equal value
- HIV and AIDS and the World of Work
- Integrating Employment Equity into Human Resource Policies
- Key Aspects of HIV/AIDS and employment
- Preparing, Implementing and Monitoring Employment Equity Plans
- Prevention and Elimination of Harassment in the Workplace