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***Subscriber Newsflash***

Is evidence about trust breaking down necessary?
The LAC in Algoa Bus Company v TASWU obo Mzawi & Others considered whether it was necessary for an employer to lead evidence about the employment relationship having broken down, to justify a finding that a dismissal was fair.
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Latest labour law news…

Reinstated employees' obligations
In SAMWU obo Koopman v City of Cape Town the LAC ruled on employees' obligations when an arbitrator or court orders their reinstatement after a finding of unfair dismissal.
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Proving inconsistency
Bidvest Protea Coin v SATAWU highlighted what a dismissed employee must show to establish that the employer has been inconsistent in applying its disciplinary procedures.
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Disciplinary delays
In De Wet v CCMA and Others the question was whether a delay in bringing disciplinary action automatically renders the disciplinary proceedings unfair.
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Condonation: when should it be granted?
Prof Alan Rycroft discusses 2 recent LAC decisions - Aspen Holdings v Phelane and Malepe v Mega Volt Loden Electrical - about when condonation of lateness should be granted.
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