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***Subscriber Newsflash***

'Common purpose' charges come unstuck again
The recent LC judgment in NUMSA obo Ramothibe & Others v CCMA & Others again highlights the difficulty employers have in proving 'common purpose' in a strike violence context.
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Latest labour law news…

Money lending schemes at work
In Kaweng v SA National Biodiversity Institute the Labour Court had to decide whether employees' involvement in a money lending scheme at work was a dismssable offence
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Furnishing security for a review
In African Building Systems v Mogaladi the Labour Court confirmed that for a review to suspend an arbitration award, the applicant must furnish security to the satisfaction of the Court.
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Condonation applications
In HLB CMA v Boshielo the Labour Court confirmed that a condonation ruling will be reviewable if it fails to address and make a finding on the factors set out in CCMA Rule 9(3).
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Religious beliefs and inherent job requirements
The LAC in Sun International v Sayiti said that an employer must take reasonable steps to accommodate an employee's religious beliefs, before terminating employment on the basis of the inherent requirements of the job.
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