Acts and Regulations
- Arbitration Act, 1965
- Basic Conditions of Employment Act
- BCEA Remuneration Calculations - Gov. Notice 691
- BCEA earnings threshold Determination - March 2025
- Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act
- Employment Equity Act
- Employment Equity Amendment Act no 4 of 2022
- Employment Equity Regulations
- Employment Equity Regulations: Sectoral Targets - Feb 2024
- Employment Services Act
- Facilitation Regulations - s189A
- Labour Relations Act
- Mine Health and Safety Act
- National Minimum Wage Act
- National Minimum Wage Amendment Act - March 2025
- National Minimum Wage Amendment Act & BCEA Updated summary and forms - Gov Notice 43026 dated 17/2/2020
- National Minimum Wage Exemption Regulations
- Occupational Health and Safety Act
- Picketing Regulations
- Promotion of Administrative Justice Act
- Protected Disclosures Act
- Protection of Personal Information Act
- Protection of Personal Information Regulations
- Public Service Act
- S A Constitution
- Skills Development Act
- Traditional Health Practitioners Act, 2007
- Traditional Health Practitioners Regulations, 2024
- Unemployment Insurance Act
- Unemployment Insurance Regulations - civil unrest July 2021- temp relief scheme
CCMA Rules and Guides
- Balloting Guidelines
- CCMA Guidelines- Misconduct arbitrations
- CCMA Labour Law Amendments Resource Guide - March 2016
- CCMA Practice Note 2/2016 : Representation
- CCMA Rules
- Code of Conduct - Commissioners
Labour Court Rules-