PART A - Organisational Rights

11. Trade union representatives

12. Trade union access to work-place

13. Deduction of trade union subscriptions or levies

14. Trade union representatives

15. Leave for trade union activities

16. Disclosure of information

17. Restricted rights in the domestic sector

18. Right to establish thresholds of representativeness

19. Certain organisational rights for trade union party to a council

20. Organisational rights in collective agreements

21. Exercise of rights conferred by this Part

22. Disputes about organisational rights

PART B - Collective Agreements

23. Legal effect of collective agreement

24. Disputes about collective agreements

25. Agency shop agreements

26. Closed shop agreements

PART C - Bargaining Councils

27. Establishment of bargaining councils

28. Powers and functions of bargaining council

29. Registration of bargaining councils

30. Constitution of bargaining council

31. Binding nature of collective agreement concluded in bargaining council

32. Extension of collective agreement concluded in bargaining council

32A. Renewal and extension of funding agreements

33. Appointment and powers of designated agents of bargaining councils

33A. Enforcement of collective agreements by bargaining councils

34. Amalgamation of bargaining councils

PART D - Bargaining Councils in the Public Service

35. Bargaining councils in public service

36. Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council

37. Bargaining councils in sectors in public service

38. Disputes between bargaining councils in public service

PART E - Statutory Councils

39. Application to establish statutory council

40. Establishment and registration of statutory council

41. Establishment and registration of statutory council in absence of agreement

42. Certificate of registration of statutory council

43. Powers and functions of statutory councils

44. Ministerial determinations

45. Disputes about determinations

46. Withdrawal of party from statutory council

47. Appointment of new representative of statutory council

48. Change of status of statutory council

PART F - General Provisions Concerning Councils

49. Representativeness of council

50. Effect of registration of council

51. Dispute resolution functions of council

52. Accreditation of council or appointment of accredited agency

53. Accounting records and audits

54. Duty to keep records and provide information to registrar

55. Delegation of functions to committee of council

56. Admission of parties to council

57. Changing constitution or name of council

58. Variation of registered scope of council

59. Winding-up of council

60. Winding-up of council by reason of insolvency

61. Cancellation of registration of council

62. Disputes about demarcation between sectors and areas

63. Disputes about Parts A and C to F