PART A - Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration
112. Establishment of Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration
113. Independence of Commission
114. Area of jurisdiction and offices of Commission
116. Governing body of Commission
117. Commissioners of Commission
119. Acting director of Commission
120. Staff of Commission
121. Establishment of committees of Commission
123. Circumstances in which Commission may charge fees
124. Contracting by Commission, and Commission working in association with any person
125. Delegation of governing body's powers, functions and duties
126. Limitation of liability and limitation on disclosure of information
PART B - Accreditation of and Subsidy to Councils and Private Agencies
127. Accreditation of councils and private agencies
128. General provisions relating to accreditation
129. Amendment of accreditation
130. Withdrawal of accreditation
131. Application to renew accreditation
132. Subsidy to council or private agency
PART C - Resolution of Disputes under Auspices of Commission
133. Resolution of disputes under auspices of Commission
134. Disputes about matters of mutual interest
135. Resolution of disputes through conciliation
136. Appointment of commissioner to resolve dispute through arbitration
137. Appointment of senior commissioner to resolve dispute through arbitration
138. General provisions for arbitration proceedings
139. Special provisions for arbitrating disputes in essential services
140. Special provisions for arbitrations about dismissals for reasons related to conduct or capacity
141. Resolution of disputes if parties consent to arbitration under auspices of Commission
142. Powers of commissioner when attempting to resolve disputes
142A. Making settlement agreement arbitration award
143. Effect of arbitration awards
144. Variation and rescission of arbitration awards and rulings
145. Review of arbitration awards
146. Exclusion of Arbitration Act
147. Performance of dispute resolution functions by Commission in exceptional circumstances
148. Commission may provide advice
149. Commission may provide assistance
150. Commission may appoint commissioner to conciliate in public interest
150A. Advisory arbitration panel in public interest
150B. Composition of advisory arbitration panel
150C. Advisory arbitration award
150D. Effect of advisory arbitration award
PART D - Labour Court
151. Establishment and status of Labour Court
152. Composition of Labour Court
153. Appointment of judges of Labour Court
154. Tenure, remuneration and terms and conditions of appointment of Labour Court judges
156. Area of juisdiction and seat of Labour Court
157. Jurisdiction of Labour Court
159. Rules Board for Labour Courts and rules for Labour Court
160. Proceedings of Labour Court to be carried on in open court
161. Representation before Labour Court
162. Costs
163. Service and enforcement of orders of Labour Court
164. Seal of Labour Court
165. Variation and rescission of orders of Labour Court
166. Appeals against judgment or order of Labour Court
PART E - Labour Appeal Court
167. Establishment and status of Labour Appeal Court
168. Composition of Labour Appeal Court
169. Appointment of other judges of Labour Appeal Court
170. Tenure, remuneration and terms and conditions of appointment of Labour Appeal Court judges
171. Officers of Labour Appeal Court
172. Area of jurisdiction and seat of Labour Appeal Court
173. Jurisdiction of the Labour Appeal Court
174. Powers of Labour Appeal Court on hearing of appeals
175. Labour Appeal Court may sit as court of first instance
176. Rules for Labour Appeal Court
177. Proceedings of Labour Appeal Court to be carried on in open court
178. Representation before Labour Appeal Court
179. Costs
180. Service and enforcement of orders
181. Seal of Labour Appeal Court
182. Judgments of Labour Appeal Court binding on Labour Court
183. Labour Appeal Court final court of appeal
Part F - General Provisions applicable to Courts established by this Act
184. General provisions applicable to courts established by this Act