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'Not so sick' notes
The LAC in Woolworths v CCMA & Others had to deal with a situation in which an employee was dismissed for submitting medical certificates from a doctor the company suspected of selling them.
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Latest labour law news…

Limited by a union's constitution
In AFGRI Animal Feeds v Numsa the Constitutional Court had to decide if a union can represent members in industries not included in the union's constitution.
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Inspections 'in loco'
In Sibanye Gold Protection Services v CCMA the Labour Court considered whether the manner in which the arbitrator conducted an inspection in loco was irregular.
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Importance of pre-trial minutes
Sibanye Rustenburg Platinum Mine v Amcu obo Sono & Others highlights the importance of the wording of pre-trial minutes, and the implications of agreeing to certain issues in them.
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Automatically unfair dismissals
Prof Alan Rycroft discusses the LAC judgment in NUFBWSAW v Coca Cola Beverages SA which found that the dismissal of employees who refuse to accept alternative employment offers during retrenchment, was not automatically unfair.
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